For a long time, there has been a notion that words can be more powerful than drugs. Many modern medical practitioners use the sounds of nature, music, the power of color, and other subtle matters to treat patients. However, the most powerful effect on the general condition of a person can have the chanting of mantras, which you can practice yourself.

Step 1
The healing effect of mantras is based on the impact of various sound vibrations and certain phrases. Mantras affect the body as a whole, they cannot be "directed" to the healing of any particular diseased organ. The main action of the mantra is always aimed at harmonizing human consciousness.
Step 2
All statements of Eastern spiritual practices and Eastern philosophy are based on the fact that people are what they think, which means that the origins of all diseases must be sought in consciousness. Eastern medicine believes that all physical ailments are nothing more than a reflection of an imbalance in the mind and body. It is believed that people most often suffer from diseases, who are characterized by fears and doubts. Constant stress, too negative thoughts, fixation on the material sides of life can lead to various diseases.
Step 3
Mantras have the ability to cleanse the energy field, make it more harmonious and balanced. They give strength to consciousness, allow it to perceive reality in a completely different way, make it possible to think more clearly. Correctly chanted mantras contribute to the acquisition of calmness and inner harmony, this leads not only to a change in a person's worldview, but also to his recovery.
Step 4
Mantras always have a beneficial effect on a person, it does not depend on the type of practice. They can be listened to, read, mentally recited, chanted, watched videos with their pronunciation, all these ways of interacting with mantras are very effective. If you want to achieve a positive result in the shortest possible time, combine several types of practices. It is believed that mantras set to music are perceived better, especially by an unprepared person. The clearer a mantra is perceived, the stronger its energetic effect, therefore, before working with a mantra, it is advisable to know its meaning. In most cases, its text represents the praise of one or another ancient deity.
Step 5
During the practice of reciting mantras, the greatest importance is played by the readiness of the person himself, his attitude, his ability to perceive the power of mantras and the desire to become one with them. Mantras release the inner energy reserves of a person, restore his inner strength, cleanse the space around him of all kinds of negativity. It is believed that water, food and even medicines, over which the mantra was sung, acquire additional positive properties.