What Is Needed In The Hospital

What Is Needed In The Hospital
What Is Needed In The Hospital

Fees for the hospital should be fast, so you should prepare all the necessary things in advance. It is advisable to carry the basic documents with you at all times, because childbirth can begin anywhere and at any time.

What is needed in the hospital
What is needed in the hospital

Collect a bag with things and documents in advance, preferably already at 35-36 weeks of pregnancy. After all, from this time on, childbirth can begin ahead of schedule, and you will not have a minute to get ready.

Put rubber slippers in a plastic bag, wrapping them in a separate bag, white socks. A birthing gown is handed out at the admission department, unless otherwise specified by the hospital rules. If you have varicose veins, grab two elastic bandages.

Put the necessary hygiene items in a washable cosmetic bag: hygienic lipstick, wet wipes, a toothbrush and paste, soap and a sponge. Be sure to take a razor, because those in maternity hospitals are not the best option. Put your mobile phone there in the cosmetic bag. Be aware that you may be asked to remove all gold jewelry. You can leave only a cross, but on a regular string. Grab a towel.

Place your documents in a separate folder. Upon admission to the hospital, you must have with you: a passport, a medical policy, an exchange card, a birth certificate, a birth contract (if one has been concluded). If you come to the hospital with contractions, you should have a piece of paper with records of the time intervals between contractions. This will help the doctor know the approximate start of labor. On the same piece of paper below, in large letters, he can write: "If the condition of my childbirth and the baby is satisfactory, I ask you to take the following actions: put the baby on his stomach, attach it to the breast."

If you are giving birth with your husband, he also needs to pack a bag of things. Put on rubber slippers, cotton socks, a T-shirt and sweatpants. At the front desk, he will be given a gown and a hat. Additionally, you can put a disposable mask. Some maternity hospitals require attendants to present the necessary medical certificates. Therefore, in advance, ask what the procedures are in your maternity hospital. Usually they ask for blood tests (RV, HIV, hepatitis), fluorography.
