Almost all parents have to collect their children for summer camp. You need to put things so as not to forget anything, and explain to your child how to behave in a given situation. How not to miss anything?

Step 1
To get started, make a list and add the most necessary things to it. These should be items of clothing (T-shirts, shorts, underwear, tracksuit, swimming trunks or swimwear, etc.), shoes (sneakers, sandals, shoes), personal hygiene items (shampoo, soap, towel, toothpaste and brush, comb etc.). Don't forget about little things like toilet paper and handkerchiefs.
Step 2
Be sure to put warm clothes, for example, a jacket and trousers, a raincoat. They may be needed not only in bad and cold weather, but also if hiking is planned.
Step 3
Do not forget that children are children, which means that some things can get lost, so you can (and even need to) mark them in some way.
Step 4
It is better to take shampoo in sachets, because a large bottle will be forgotten or simply spilled, put a few small pieces of soap, handkerchiefs are also better to buy disposable, because a child can simply lose ordinary handkerchiefs.
Step 5
The child will not need perfumery, but sunscreen, panama hat and sunglasses will be very useful.
Step 6
Do not give valuable things and expensive equipment to the camp. However, it is hardly possible to do without a mobile phone and a player. Therefore, you should explain to him that you need to look after them carefully.
Step 7
It is better to put all things in a bag and / or in a travel backpack, since it is almost impossible for a child to cope with a large suitcase.
Step 8
Instruct your child about washing hands before meals, brushing teeth twice a day, and other personal hygiene tips. Also explain to him that the documents and money (if any, you give him) should be taken seriously and responsibly. You should also make sure that the child remembers well his name, where he lives, and the name of his parents.
Step 9
Of course, it is easier to get a child to camp if he is not going there for the first time. He already knows what he needs, what he lacked. However, even if he has never been to the camp, just watch him for a few days to see what he needs every day. Can't fall asleep without a teddy bear? Then in the bag you will have to make room for the toy.
Step 10
If the child has any allergies, be sure to notify the counselor or other responsible person about this.
Step 11
If the journey to the camp takes a long time, then apples, purchased pastries, a small bottle of water will be very appropriate.