If a person is weakened, sad, often ill and cannot succeed in any business he starts, it is safe to say that he has blocks on one or more chakras. It is necessary to deal with what caused them to appear, and get rid of them, otherwise the quality of human life will remain unsatisfactory.
Psychics and bioenergetics, who can see not only the physical, but also the subtle bodies of a person with the help of the third eye located in the forehead, indicate that everyone has 7 energy centers - the so-called chakras. Regardless of whether a person believes in their existence or not, their normal work is necessary for him to be comfortable in society. If the chakra is overexcited or, on the contrary, depressed, or there are certain blocks on it, this will certainly have a negative effect on some of the areas of a person's life.
How are chakra blocks formed?
Each of the chakras is responsible for certain aspects of a person's life, with the lower three for the material spheres, and the upper for the spiritual. The first chakra is responsible for the safety of a person and for his comfortable stay wherever; it is blocked if the person is afraid. The second chakra is responsible for a person's ability to enjoy life, and it is blocked by depression and guilt. The third chakra is the success of a person in society, it symbolizes the power and strength of his intentions and is blocked at the moment when a person is ashamed - for himself or for someone else.
The fourth chakra, which is also the heart chakra, allows a person to love and transmit his love to the world; grief puts a block on it. The fifth chakra is responsible for the manifestation of a person in the world, his eloquence and talents, and is blocked if he lies. The sixth chakra in its normal state provides a sharpness of mind and is responsible for all human thought processes; it is blocked by the state when a person lives in the past or the future, not wanting to be "here and now." The seventh chakra symbolizes the unity of the human and the divine, and in the vast majority of people it is blocked.
How can chakra blocks be removed?
Through blocked chakras, the normal flow of vital energy is disrupted. In principle, any energy practice, be it hatha yoga, qigong or tai chi, is aimed at gradually and carefully removing the blocks on the chakras and restoring normal energy exchange in the human body. In general, regular physical activity has the most beneficial effect on the state of a person's energy centers.
Removing the blocks from the chakras and cleaning them is possible with the use of enchanted salt - in this case, bags of table salt sewn from cotton fabric, over which a special plot has been read, are placed overnight under the sheet of the person who is being cleaned. At the same time, he should lie on his back so that each of the sacs is under the projection of one of the seven chakras: on the nodules with salt there should be a tailbone, sacrum, lower back, interscapular space, neck, head and crown of a person. In a few nights, the salt will draw out all the negativity from the chakras, and then the bags can be destroyed.
If the blocks on the chakras are "fresh", that is, they have appeared relatively recently, they can be removed using a raw chicken egg. Break it into a glass of water and hold it near each chakra for about three minutes, starting from the bottom, while reading the "Our Father". At the end of the procedure, pour the contents of the glass into the toilet, and break the glass itself and discard so that no one will use it in the future.