It would seem that life is a success - marriage, children, a calm measured life. And then you begin to understand that next to you is not your person at all. And next to the one whom, it would seem, you loved, now you feel tired, broken, devastated. Yes, the family is unshakable, indestructible, and there are still a lot of "nots" And if it is also impossible? To decide to leave, you will definitely need the support of loved ones, relatives, and friends.

Confidence in your decision, support of people close to you
Step 1
Analyze how ready you are to start everything from scratch without this person, sweeping aside all emotions, without any “if”, “what if”, “what, when”.
Step 2
Carefully calculate your possibilities so that, after breaking off all relations, there is not a single reason to go back to the past that you want to get rid of at the moment.
Step 3
Brushing aside all the feelings and emotions (positive or negative) that have accumulated over the years of your life together, look at your spouse with a new look, just as a person with whom you will have to contact in one way or another. After all, after the past years, it is impossible not to leave any points of contact in the future at all - there are children, property, mutual friends, etc.
Step 4
Just let go of the past. No offense, stereotypes, excuses and accusations. It is impossible to start something new and at the same time drag on the negative baggage of the past. This is a new life, a new you. And you have everything ahead.