In the event of the death of a relative or other situation where the child may be confronted with the concept of death, it may be quite difficult for him to explain the essence of the phenomenon. In this case, the advice of a psychologist can help parents.

Step 1
Answer questions about death as they come up. So you can give your child exactly as much information as he needs and how much he is able to perceive.
Step 2
If you belong to any religious denomination, your task is simplified - explain death to the child in accordance with the tenets of your faith. However, in this case, it is necessary to adapt the information to children's perception. A two-three-year-old child can hardly really understand what heaven, hell and the Last Judgment are. It will be enough for him to explain that the relative went to heaven. Also, even a preschooler can already be presented with the idea of the immortality of the soul in the sense that he will be able to meet with the dead in heaven many years later, when he himself grows old.
Step 3
In the event that you do not adhere to any religion, explain to your child the meaning of death through the facts. For example, that the deceased no longer breathes, does not move. That is, explain that death is the end of life.
Step 4
Be careful when explaining the causes of a person's death. If someone died of an illness, you can inform the child about it, but with the clarification that it was a very severe illness, and the usual health problems for the child, for example, a cold, do not threaten death.
Step 5
If your child has a fear of death, tell him that most often people die very old and after serious illnesses. At the same time, it is not necessary to say that the child and the parents are immortal. For a preschooler, it should be quite reassuring to explain that everyone is dying, but he and his parents will live for a very long time, many decades. For the student, fear of death can be associated with various forms of destructive behavior. For example, it can be explained that a person who does not smoke or drink, crosses the road to the green light and does not talk to strangers on the street, risks his life much less and is likely to live a long time in a healthy state.