Not all men share the desire of their girls to cuddle and talk in bed after sex, moreover, many of them make fun of how important it is for the fairer sex. And why, in fact, women love to talk so much at these moments and what exactly would they like to hear from their lover?

Hardly anyone would deny that men and women are very different. The difference is confirmed by the characteristics of the behavior of representatives of each of the sexes in almost any life situation. Even after making love, in most cases, a man wants to turn his back to the wall and sleep peacefully with a sense of accomplishment. Representatives of the fair sex prefer to soak up the arms of a loved one at these moments and chat. Why are women so fond of talking after sex and how important is it to them?
Conversations after sex as an indicator of emotional intimacy
Women differ from men, among other things, also in the peculiarities of their attitude towards intimate relations. If for a man sex can act as nothing more than a physiological "release", then a woman in the overwhelming majority of cases becomes emotionally attached to her lover. She treats him especially warmly and tenderly precisely in those minutes after intimacy, when her body is resting in a strong man's embrace.
In general, a woman is initially a very emotional creature, and after lovemaking she is simply overwhelmed with emotions. Restraining them is not easy - and not harmless, as people versed in psychology say - and therefore a woman is so drawn to talk to her partner. If this conversation is not a burden for a man who is exhausted after sex, then very soon his mistress will fall asleep, completely satisfied and happy. A young man's reluctance to enter into a dialogue can seriously offend his partner, and even if she does not pretend that it offends her, be sure that she will remember it.
What women want to talk about after sex
One famous phrase says that a woman loves with her ears. Indeed, all beautiful ladies, regardless of their age, nationality or something else, love to hear compliments, and therefore a real balm for their hearing organs will be the man's assurances that she is the best. Tell your passion about how beautiful she is, how good and calm you are with her, and how pleasant it is to squeeze her body in your arms, and she will certainly thank you for these words.
No matter how self-sufficient and confident the fairer sex is, she needs to feel needed, adored and protected. It is the confirmation of this that she subconsciously expects to receive during an intimate conversation after stormy caresses. If a man neglects to talk after sex, then his partner may feel unhappy, even if the process itself was very good. Therefore, do not fall asleep immediately after the end of intercourse, but push yourself over and talk with her for a while - be sure she will appreciate it.