How To Behave A Girl After Orgasm

How To Behave A Girl After Orgasm
How To Behave A Girl After Orgasm

There is a popular belief that if a woman agreed to sex too early, then her relationship with this man will not go far. It's a delusion. In the modern world, a woman has finally acquired not just the right to "agree" to sex, but also to want it. In fact, in most cases, the further development of a relationship is influenced by female behavior after sex.

How to behave a girl after orgasm
How to behave a girl after orgasm

Sex and relationships

For some reason, there is an opinion among women that after the first sex, men are completely in their hands. This stems from a misunderstanding that, on average, males take sex much easier. Women who are inclined to romanticize this area of life, after the first intercourse with a man, begin to expect gratitude, walks under the moon, huge bouquets, and so on and so forth. In fact, sex itself does not make the relationship between people any special. As always, emotions are responsible for this.

Do not start discussing sex immediately after sex. Better to just be quiet a little.

Girls versus men

The best course of action after the first orgasm with a particular man is not to change the line of behavior. Don't start telling him how many children you’ll have, what apartment you’ll buy, and how well you’ll heal. No, just lie down next to him, if he is able to maintain a dialogue, talk about abstract topics, kiss him, go to the shower. Be natural.

If this is the first meeting of a similar nature on his territory, you can ask the man to call a taxi. So you will avoid the morning in an unfamiliar apartment, you will be able to sleep well in your own bed, and you will not worry that your lover will see you in the morning without makeup. In addition, this is a good way to show your independence, to avoid relaxed chirping about further joint plans that frighten unprepared men so much. And he couldn't leave a toothbrush in his bathroom. Don't forget to say thank you to the man for a wonderful evening and good sex. This is required by the rules of good form.

Don't be afraid to show your emotions and desires in the process. Sex is a great way to express yourself.

It's best if you make and schedule your next appointment or date. Of course, you shouldn't call the man the next day to invite him over. It is better to wait for his call, and then suggest some interesting format for a meeting. Do not be afraid to take the initiative into your own hands, suggest some unusual date option that may not involve a “bed” continuation at all. Of course, men are mostly hunters, but you should not be a weak-willed, relaxed victim. It is better to evoke hunting excitement in the object of your sympathy, for this you should abandon the typical patterns of behavior.
