How To Refuse A Wedding

How To Refuse A Wedding
How To Refuse A Wedding

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An unmarried woman may find herself in such a situation: she was persistently looked after, presented with gifts, and then it came to a marriage proposal. It would seem that this is very good, you need to rejoice. But here's the problem: the woman doesn't like the boyfriend. In any case, not enough to marry him. He may be a good, decent, intelligent person, but a woman does not represent him as a husband. As they say, you cannot order your heart. And now the question arises before her: how best to refuse so as not to offend.

How to refuse a wedding
How to refuse a wedding


Step 1

The main rule: when talking to this man, be impeccably polite. Even if he tired you pretty much and even made you angry with his advances, stubbornly not understanding clear hints that he is not suitable for you. Remember: men have a completely different psychology. Your hints would be absolutely clear to a woman, but for men they are akin to a Chinese letter. Also, in any case, do not show arrogance, disdain. A self-respecting man will not tolerate this.

Step 2

If you have a regular partner, be frank about it, not sparing kind words and enthusiastic expressions addressed to him. Explain that you are so happy with this man that you can only start a family with him, this is your cherished desire. You can start your answer with something like this: “You are a good person, I am glad that I met you, I really like you, but, excuse me, only as a friend. I love another man". Then list all the virtues of your partner and add: "So, you can see for yourself: my heart is busy." This usually works. Of course, an unlucky fan will still be unpleasant and painful, but there's nothing you can do about it.

Step 3

Even if you do not have a permanent partner, but the boyfriend does not know about it, you can act in the same way. Here, as they say, the end justifies the means.

Step 4

If he knows that you do not have such a partner, you can use an effective psychological technique. With well-modeled embarrassment, admit that you are severely disappointed in all men. Like, they let you down so many times, betrayed you that you started having psychological problems on this basis, you consider all men to be hypocrites and deceivers. For example, you like him and seems to make the best impression, but still something instinctively pushes you away from him. Assure that you have already addressed this problem to psychologists, but they could not help you in any way. Therefore, a wedding is out of the question: you do not want to make both of you unhappy.

Step 5

Of course, there are many other ways to deny a man a wedding. The main rule: keep yourself in control, be polite, do not infringe on his pride.
