Online dating is no different from any other in terms of the reliability of future relationships. Just like a real acquaintance, a virtual one can develop into true love and lead to a wedding.

How to meet online
Internet dating attracts the fact that at first you can communicate with a person in absentia. Often this is how you can ask some personal and very important questions that are not convenient to ask directly when meeting. Thus, a large percentage of applicants are eliminated even at the stage of communication on the Internet.
Of course, both in the virtual and in the real world, you can meet many people who are not suitable for you. But this does not mean that you need to give up the idea of getting to know a person to create a family, because if you expect that he himself will find you, you can never wait.
If you have set a goal to find a person for a serious relationship, you need to start a profile on dating sites. The advantage of such sites is that you study the questionnaire in advance and see the basic data of all applicants in this age category. Of course, no one will give a guarantee that all this information is true, but you can find out this during further communication and a personal meeting.
It is advisable to talk to the person on the phone for some time before meeting in real life, or even better - on Skype, using a video camera. Thus, you will see if the photo on the site matches the original and if you like his speech and manner of communication.
Often at this stage, disappointment comes, since not always the traits that you endowed the virtual interlocutor with are not always the real person of blood and flesh. But in reality, there is nothing wrong with such an experience. It would be much worse if you felt uncomfortable during a real date and had to quickly say goodbye to your counterpart.
How to proceed if a person insists on meeting
You should not fly on the wings of a flared feeling to a meeting with a person whom you know from 1-2 days of communication on the site. Refuse a real date under any pretext, find out about the applicant the information that you can check, for example, the place of work. This should not make you embarrassed or embarrassed, because it is about security. A smart person will understand this and provide all the necessary data without reservations.
By the way, caution will also characterize you on the good side, because no one wants to connect their life with a reckless person. It is good if in the process of communication you find mutual acquaintances or places where you both like to go. You can meet for the first time in such a place - an entertainment center, a cinema, a coffee shop.
Whether your online acquaintance grows into something more and whether it comes to a wedding will depend on the two of you.