The spinner has become popular in a short time. At the same time, many are perplexed - why? And some do not even know what a spinner is, although there are fewer and fewer such people. So what is the popularity of this spinner?

First, you need to decide what a spinner is. Initially, it is just a hand trainer - a small toy made of a bearing + a body. It is required to clamp the center of the body with your fingers, spinning the outer part of the spinner. The toy can spin for up to several minutes - a lot here depends on the complexity of the design, the impulse of rotation, the type of bearing. Manufacturers assure that the spinner is able to develop motor skills, it is easier to concentrate with it. The funny thing is that the first spinner was invented about 25 years ago, a woman patented a toy, but the patent expired back in 2005. At the same time, no one particularly appreciated her invention at that time. But Scott McCoskeri patented the modern spinner in 2016 and, as you can see, it became very popular in a short time. Many even say that people fit on spinners.
Now many people disagree on the question of whether to give children spinners. Even doctors cannot come to a consensus, because the toy really develops hand motor skills, but at the same time others believe that it is very distracting.
The price of a spinner can be from 50 rubles and over a thousand. You can buy a spinner on Aliexpress, a popular Chinese site. There is a huge selection of them, but at the same time almost everyone noticed that the spinners "settled" in kiosks, near the metro in different stores.
So what is the popularity of the spinner? Let's remember tamagotchi, tetris, yo-yo - once these games were very popular, each in its own time. This is how the spinner fell in love with many, even adults. In addition, with the development of the Internet, any innovation spreads faster. Children started organizing competitions - who will spin the spinner longer? On the Internet, you can find many tricks with this toy, although it would seem, what is special about it? Adults saw it as an analogue of a rosary.
And, of course, the main question arises - do you need to buy a spinner for your children? Here, each parent must decide for themselves. But one thing is clear for sure - despite its incredible popularity now, the fidget spinner will soon pass, like other toys in due time. And then some new unusual invention will capture the attention of children.