Working from home helps the mother not only improve her financial situation, but also pay enough attention to the growing children. Moreover, there are many games that can be easily combined with simple manipulations on the computer.

There are many reasons why I preferred working from home as my main source of income. However, the underlying reason was that I can devote enough time to my children - an eight-year-old son and a daughter growing up in front of her eyes.
This article will discuss how I combine the work of a copywriter and my son's entertainment. My son, like all boys, is a mobile and very inquisitive child. He needs mom's attention, affection and love. Naturally, he is not satisfied with the fact that his mother "calmly" sits at the computer and works.
It's good if you can just put off work and play quietly. However, no one canceled the deadline and the customer is unlikely to appreciate the fact that I did not deliver the work on time just because my child was impatient to play.
Fortunately, I found a way out. Many of the manipulations necessary to write high-quality text can be combined with the entertainment of the child, since the laptop is not tied to the table and travels around the room with me.
So what does my son play while copywriting mom works
What to play with your child: "Magic glasses"
While I am collecting information for a future article, my son and I are playing "magic glasses". The essence of the game is simple - I take out “glasses” of a certain color from an imaginary box, my son “puts them on” and begins to enthusiastically search for objects of this color in the room.
We preliminarily stipulate how many items he should find. If the task is completed, the son gets the right to "desire", which is usually expressed in a request to read before bedtime, tell a fairy tale invented for him, or have a massage in the style of "the train was late."
What to play with your child: "Actor"
As I sketch out the draft of the article, I play with my son his favorite game "Actor". My task is to come up with characters, which he immediately brings to life with pleasure.
While I am writing a draft, I have time to admire the "boiling kettle", and the "knight fighting the dragon", and the dragon itself, plunging the neighbors into horror with loud screams. At the same time there is no limit to the child's happiness, and my work is progressing very successfully.
What to play with your child: "Draw me …"
Moving on to writing the clean version, I try to come up with calmer entertainment for my son, which will allow me to focus on work. And then an album, pencils, a template with geometric shapes and our imagination with it come into play. I ask a task, for example, "Draw me a cat from triangles" or "Draw a house for a square dog."
And the son, sticking out his tongue from zeal, collects naughty triangles in the form of a very cute cat. Drawing the picture, coloring it, and also decorating the background gives me enough time to create a clean version of the text, which I can only subtract.
Do you combine work and play for children? If so, what activities do you come up with for them?