What Is He - A Modern Man

What Is He - A Modern Man
What Is He - A Modern Man

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Modern men have changed along with the world, which began to place higher demands on the stronger sex. Today a self-respecting man must have a well-groomed appearance, a good job, his own home and far-reaching prospects. However, this does not fully reflect the portrait of a modern knight in white armor.

What is he - a modern man
What is he - a modern man


Step 1

A modern man, first of all, takes care of himself: he gets his hair cut by a good hairdresser, does a manicure, takes care of hair, nails and skin, and also regularly visits the gym. In addition, he dresses according to the latest fashion trends, appearing at work in a formal business suit, and at parties in stylish jeans and T-shirts with an original print. Modern men still do not like to go shopping with women, but when choosing clothes for themselves, they scrutinize the goods, sometimes bringing sales consultants to a nervous breakdown. Another characteristic feature of the modern man is the car, which he cherishes and cherishes with manic fanaticism, subconsciously associating it with himself.

Step 2

The realities of today's world force men to keep up with the times - each of them certainly has a fancy mobile phone or smartphone with him, into which a man constantly looks with anxious look. In addition, a modern man cannot smell bad - fortunately, the range of men's perfumes today is presented in huge quantities. Intellect is an indispensable attribute of a modern man, since the Internet provides a lot of interesting literature, from documentary to science fiction. Therefore, today men not so much argue about the quality of the vobla going to beer, as about the latest technology, geopolitics and the latest book of some highly fashionable prose writer. And yes - modern men cook amazingly.

Step 3

Modern men are no longer in a hurry to get married at the age of 20 and get a bunch of chubby kids - today they highly value their freedom and the opportunity to make a dizzying career in any field. A very characteristic feature of a modern man is a lower level of tension, brutality, internal aggression and blinkeredness - he can talk about his fears and anxieties without fear of dropping his image of an alpha male in the eyes of strangers. The same applies to their emotionality and vulnerability, which with the advent of new times have moved to a completely new level.

Step 4

As for relations with the female sex, here modern men have also grown noticeably - they try to understand all the whims and whims of their friends, treat women much more gallant and respect their personal space. The consumer attitude towards the beautiful half of humanity has also significantly decreased - a modern man is ready to share the burden of domestic obligations with his partner, since various psychological methods allow many couples to achieve complete mutual understanding and harmony in relationships.
