Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
A beach vacation with a child is a fun and responsible event at the same time. After all, a rare baby prefers to quietly spend time on a lounger under an umbrella, reading a book or listening to music. The child needs to move, change activities, constantly learn everything new and interesting
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Experiment is the main method of gaining knowledge in psychology. It consists in creating an experimental situation in order to study a particular phenomenon. Instructions Step 1 Unlike observation, the experimenter is actively involved in the research
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
One of the most interesting phenomena of our time, from the point of view of psychologists, is social networks. Over the years, millions of people have become their users, who find friends and partners there, sell their products and share the details of their private life
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Thanks to mass vaccination, over the past hundred years, doctors have managed to significantly reduce the number of diseases caused by various dangerous infections. However, among modern parents there are more and more opponents of vaccines
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
A crisis situation is a situation in which a person experiences a strong psychological stress state. The experience gained requires in a short time to change the ideas of the individual about the reality around him. A psychologist helps a person to cope with such changes
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Today, hundreds of thousands of people strive for success. It is not just an opportunity to live well, it is the presence of amazing events that make life fulfilling. In the modern world, success evokes envy and admiration, but everyone can become its owner
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Sleep should be calm and deep in order to restore the strength spent during the day. To do this, you need to relax, feel comfortable and safe. For this, there are bedrooms. Feng Shui recommends pastel, airy colors for small rooms, which will give a feeling of lightness and freedom
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
A child's bedroom should be comfortable and safe. Choose high-quality and multifunctional furniture that can be transformed to suit the age and needs of the child. The color scheme of the room is also important, as well as additional accessories that will make the interior complete
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Spring and summer is the time to launch homemade boats in rivers and lakes. Surely your children have already made different boats, ships and ships out of paper. This time we offer you to make a real miniature raft with a sail together with your child
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
A baby has appeared in your house. And along with him a problem arose: how to put a baby cot so that the child feels comfortable? After all, nothing should disturb his sleep. The state of his health largely depends on how well the child gets enough sleep
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
A bunk bed is the best solution for a small children's room. It allows not only to save space for outdoor games, but also to create a cozy corner for children. What are the models of bunk beds? Depending on the purpose, the children's bed can be two-story and have two berths or visually a single bed with a pull-out shelf
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Today stores with goods for children offer a huge number of all kinds of educational toys. Often, consultants pay attention of parents to children's rugs, which contribute to the development of the baby in several directions at once. However, do not rush to take the first product that comes across, but take a closer look at all the options offered
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The loft bed is one of the most popular types of furniture today, which is great for small-sized apartments or for nurseries, where several children live at once. Stores offer a huge selection of different loft beds - for every color, taste and even age
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Inflammation of the lungs or pneumonia is an insidious disease that affects the respiratory system. It is fraught with many complications, especially at an early age, when the immune system is the weakest and most defenseless. It is important to diagnose the disease as soon as possible and start treating it
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Modern prenatal diagnostics allows not only to establish the sex of the child long before his birth, but also helps to identify possible malformations, most of which become visible during ultrasound examination. One of the important indicators detected at the first ultrasound screening is the size of the collar zone of the fetus
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
As a rule, a pregnant woman is looking forward to the arrival of her baby. But not everyone is able to independently cope with pain during childbirth. There are medicated and natural methods of pain relief during labor. Instructions Step 1 Usually, antispasmodics and non-narcotic analgesics are used during childbirth, which help reduce pain during the period of cervical dilatation
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
To undergo a medical examination when applying for a job or when obtaining a driver's license, all people are sent to undergo fluorography in order to identify dangerous diseases of the respiratory system. But for a breastfeeding woman, this examination is not safe
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The appearance of a baby in the house leads to the appearance of various problems related to the development and health of the child. When a green stool is found, parents panic. To understand the problem, it is necessary to establish the causes
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
You can prepare for childbirth in different ways: buy things for the baby, go to courses for expectant mothers and do yoga, swim in the pool. If the birth is for the first time, it will be useful to find out what awaits you in the maternity hospital and how this institution works
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Pregnancy is not only the most beautiful, but also the most exciting period in a woman's life. It must flow in harmony and tranquility. This is important both for the mother herself and for her future baby. But, unfortunately, not every woman has a smooth pregnancy
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Uterine tone during pregnancy is a fairly common pathology. Experiencing tension associated with the contraction of smooth muscles, a woman feels pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the back. Instructions Step 1 Normally, the smooth muscles of the uterus alternately contract and relax
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In absolutely healthy children, the body temperature changes several times during the day. The lowest indicators of the baby's body temperature are observed, as a rule, in the early morning, when the child's body is in a relaxed and calm state for a long time
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Medications for small children are prescribed in the form of rectal suppositories. Very young children do not resist during such a procedure. The situation is more complicated with older children, they resist and do not allow the drug to be delivered
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During pregnancy, a number of special examinations and studies are carried out to diagnose possible diseases of the woman and the fetus. One of these studies is the determination of the level of hCG in the blood of a pregnant woman, on the basis of which a conclusion is made about the state of health of the unborn child
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Hemoglobin is a blood substance that is part of erythrocytes, red blood cells. The function of hemoglobin is to supply the tissues of the body with oxygen and rid them of carbon dioxide. During pregnancy, changes in hemoglobin levels are considered normal
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At what stage of pregnancy the woman would not be, abdominal pains are very dangerous. The reasons may vary. Early pregnancy pain in the abdomen is the most dangerous. Especially if it is frequent or harsh. Instructions Step 1 If the pains are aching, pulling in nature, which arise not only in the abdomen, but also in the lower back, while you have bloody discharge, this is a dangerous condition in which a threat of miscarriage is possible
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One of the most common and informative methods of prenatal diagnosis is fetal ultrasound. Ultrasound examination allows you to identify pathological conditions, possible diseases of the child. Such diagnostics are traditionally performed three times during pregnancy
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
For a woman, pregnancy begins with the appearance of two stripes on the test. Realization of his interesting position occurs a little later, at the first ultrasound examination (ultrasound). It is very important for a pregnant woman to know when it is possible to see the unborn child on an ultrasound scan and when it is safe to do it
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
No one is safe from an ectopic pregnancy, but life does not end there. Doctors say that re-conception is possible. But you have to prepare well for it. Causes of an ectopic pregnancy The main reason for an ectopic pregnancy is that the fertilized egg, without passing through the fallopian tube, remains in it
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During pregnancy, the expectant mother especially needs support and care. The same is required by her rapidly growing tummy, which is more and more difficult to carry with her every day. If your doctor recommends wearing a prenatal brace, it is important to wear it correctly to make your life easier and not harm your baby
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Hormones are biologically active substances that regulate the vital processes of all body systems. During pregnancy, hormones change. There is a hormone, the amount of which in the female body is especially significant during this period. The main hormone of pregnancy, the hormone of motherhood, is called progesterone
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
As a rule, young mothers know that newborn babies should not normally have tears. Usually, tears begin to be produced in children only by the third month of life. That is why increased tearing of the eyes in a baby should not be ignored by parents, prompting them to immediately contact a pediatrician
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
From time immemorial, women have given birth to children. But questions on this burning topic arise from the first days of pregnancy to this day. One of them: how fast does the belly grow during pregnancy? It is known that the abdomen grows as the fetus, the body of the uterus and the amniotic fluid in the womb increase
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
The tone of the uterus during pregnancy can bring a lot of unpleasant sensations to the expectant mother. The brace supports the uterus, causing the muscles to relax. But in order to eliminate hypertonicity, wearing a bandage, as a rule, is not enough
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
It is believed that the shape of the abdomen, the state of health during pregnancy and the rate of weight gain can tell not only about the sex of the unborn child, but also about the number of embryos. All this can be determined by a woman on her own, paying attention to toxicosis, manifestations of fatigue and emerging taste preferences
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
A visit to the children's clinic is a must for children of all ages. And given the fact that kids are often sick, trips to the clinic happen quite often. Therefore, it is necessary to develop tactics for communicating with doctors. Instructions Step 1 First of all, determine what type your PCP can be classified as
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Vaccinations are the most effective method of protection against infectious diseases. Parents need to know the schedule of vaccinations, contraindications to them, possible side effects. Instructions Step 1 A vaccine is a killed or weakened disease-causing agent or an artificial substitute for it
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Streptococcal infection causes inflammatory diseases in the nose, pharynx, ears, nasopharynx, sometimes it comes to more serious complications, such as pneumonia and sepsis. Often, the infection affects the skin. The causative agent of such infections is hemolytic streptococcus
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Bee bee helps to strengthen the immune system and helps children become healthier. But for maximum effect, this natural remedy should be given to them in a certain dosage. Perga is the pollen processed by bees, which is preserved in combs
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Children can sneeze for a variety of reasons. Some of them are quite natural. Others are associated with colds and allergic reactions. Newborns often sneeze due to an under-formed Eustachian tube. Instructions Step 1 Sneezing is a protective reflex, when dust, dirt or mucus is removed from the nasopharynx due to a sharp exhalation