How To Forget Unrequited Love

How To Forget Unrequited Love
How To Forget Unrequited Love

It so happens that the object of adoration does not always reciprocate. Or after breaking up, you still have certain feelings for your former lover, but he does not. One way or another, we are talking about unrequited love.

How to forget unrequited love
How to forget unrequited love

Take the first step

If you decide to end your unrequited love once and for all, you should break off any relationship with the object of your desires. Destroy friendly correspondence with him, delete photos where you are together. Don't even exchange innocent messages. It will only give you hope. Do not seek meetings with him and avoid events where he may be present. Trust me, it will only do you good.

Do not be isolated in yourself. Of course, crying for a couple of days under sad love songs is quite natural, but you don't need to stay in such a state for a long time. Let your friends entertain you. Force yourself to smile, attend events, even if you don't feel like it at all. Still, appetite comes with eating.

Gradually, you will be able to occupy your head with something more significant. For example, moving up the career ladder, favorite hobbies, going to the gym, and so on. Soon you will notice how you yourself began to change, the world around you has changed, and, probably, your attitude towards the object of your sympathy.

In addition, it is important to learn to love unselfishly. Still, unrequited love is a rather humiliating feeling, since it initially implies that you have been rejected. And this entails pain, frustration, low self-esteem and a desire for revenge. In turn, selfless love is a creative feeling. There are no losers or losers here. If you love a person disinterestedly, then you will completely sincerely wish him happiness and let him go.

Psychological techniques

According to some psychologists, in order to cool down to the object of your unrequited love, you should imagine you together. Just don't idealize this fictional relationship. Still, the candy-bouquet period is usually wonderful, and the problems begin after it.

So imagine your lover as the husband or father of your child. Think about how it will be in everyday life. Perhaps his ideal image, invented by your imagination, will disappear if you start talking about completely simple things.

You can also be critical of the object of your passion. Look at it from the side. Probably, like everyone around you, you will find certain flaws in it. Find them even in virtues. Soon you will be able to turn your whole being against him, and finally throw him out of your head.

And also try to look at the situation more rationally - after all, wasting yourself on useless suffering, you are simply wasting time. Although they could devote it to another person who will sincerely care for you and love you.
