Poems, novels and plays are written about love at first sight, films are made. At first glance, the most famous lovers in world literature fell in love with each other - Romeo and Juliet. True, in real life, everything happens a little differently.

Step 1
Usually people love each other when there is a spiritual community between them. They have similar outlooks on life, interests and hobbies, they are pleased with each other's company, they want to enjoy meetings and communication as much as possible. As for love at first sight, it arises for the one who is seen for the first time, and you cannot call him a loved one.
Step 2
Love at first sight, of course, is possible, but, in fact, it is just an attraction. Only romantic natures, including poets and writers, can call him love. You can pay attention to the external attractiveness of a person, but in order to truly love him, you need to communicate with him, understand what his character, inner world, moral principles are. If after this interest in him does not fade away, then it will be possible to talk about love.
Step 3
Of course, you can meet a pretty girl on the street or see at the next table in a cafe, but you cannot immediately say that love has come. To begin with, it is worth at least approaching her, talking, creating a first impression. Although it is often deceiving. To get to know each other better, you need to continue communication, invite her out on a date. But even after 2 or 3 dates, we can talk more about falling in love. Love comes after a much longer acquaintance.
Step 4
There are several versions of how one person can attract another at first sight. Some say that a person can be liked by someone who sees some of his own traits in him. Others think that in the person they like, people see the traits of their parents. A young man may like a girl somewhat similar to his mother, and a girl may like a young man who is similar to her father. In addition, there is the so-called "theory of tastes", according to which a particular person likes only a certain type. In any case, it is worth distinguishing between sympathy, which arose only due to external attractiveness, from true love, based primarily on the spiritual qualities of a person. Ideally, for love to arise, a person should like both. Although, when you really love, appearance is no longer so important.
Step 5
It is very difficult to talk about love at first sight, but it is quite possible to like each other at first sight. And love can grow from this first sympathy in the future. In such cases, they talk about love at first sight. True, there is always the danger of taking a second look and being disappointed.