What Are Finger Games For?

What Are Finger Games For?
What Are Finger Games For?

Games of this kind do not require money and are very pleasing to the child. Having fun in this way, your child will not only raise his and your mood, but will also develop intellectually.

What are finger games for?
What are finger games for?

What is the most popular finger game? Surely, and you remember her from childhood - this is "Forty-forty". When your parents played it with you, they thought about more than your entertainment. The fact is that games of this kind stimulate the brain activity of babies, help develop speech and unleash creativity. Finger games were invented in the distant past. For example, in Japan, children developed their fingers with the help of walnuts.


Why are finger games useful? In our body, everything is interconnected, let alone the child's body, in which the main center - the brain - is very close to the hands and fingers. Fine motor skills develop the areas of the brain that are responsible for speech.

Children often face the problem that they, like a dog, understand everything, but cannot say anything. This is due to the fact that one hemisphere is responsible for creating pictures, images, and the other for speech. You need to find a balance - there is no equal to finger games!

Finger games for children need to be matched by age - this is important. Remember that the main goal of such games is to help in development, there is no need to rush. You can start playing finger games almost from birth. The best age is from 3 months to 6 years.
