In the early days of life, a lot of excitement can accompany breastfeeding. Breastfeeding moms you've ever seen made it easy and effortless. And you, no matter how hard you try, cannot force the baby to even take your nipple into his mouth, let alone make the baby start to fully suck milk.

Step 1
If such problems arise, do not rush to panic and try to bottle feed. The shape of the nipple or the short frenum of the tongue may make it difficult for the baby to pick up the breast. Give yourself and your child very little time.
Step 2
In the early days, feed the baby lying on its side - it will be easier this way. Remember, when feeding, never bend over your baby to shove your breast into his mouth. It is better to lift the baby's face and bring it to the breast. Once you learn to feed your baby while lying down, you can experiment with feeding positions and find the most comfortable one.
Step 3
Take the breast with two fingers of your hand - thumb and forefinger, and bring the nipple to the lips of the baby. Do not force the baby to open his mouth forcibly, it is better to tickle his lips with your nipple, and when the baby opens his mouth slightly, place the nipple in the center so that it is convenient for the baby to grab it. Repeat this procedure several times until the baby understands what he needs to do.
Step 4
When the baby is gripping your breast with his lips, pay attention to whether he is pinching the areola. This is necessary so that the mammary glands contract enough to produce milk.
Step 5
Make sure that the baby is sucking on your breast, and not on your tongue or even on your lip. Check it out by gently pushing back your baby's lower lip. If it turns out that the baby is actually sucking on his tongue, the feeding process should be started over.