Children and parents
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
The biggest and most common mistake in raising hyperactive children is trying to establish control. In fact, this is not only stupid, but also pointless. It is best to resort to a little other types of education. Instructions Step 1 Thought is ahead of action
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Musical toys are essential in the development of a preschooler. Mastering sounds of different heights and loudness, the baby gets an idea of the variety of musical sound. Rattles, rattles, tambourines and homemade wooden spoons will truly delight your little one
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
In the process of upbringing, parents instill in children the necessary skills of politeness and communication, explain what is good and what is bad, but another important point is teaching the child to discipline and responsibility. Just don't be confused with punishment, discipline is a method to correct your child's behavior without yelling or aggression
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Many parents want their child to achieve maximum heights in school. But the mechanical memorization of homework is not enough, it is important to help the child develop an inner desire for knowledge and self-development. Be an example
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Young children tend to trust and respect adults. Therefore, it is not so difficult to get the child to respect you. To gain credibility with a child means doing everything so that he understands that he is being taken seriously. Instructions Step 1 The most important rule taught by talented teachers is to always think, do and say the same thing
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
It is not difficult to choose a gift for a preschooler, because his main activity is play. Adults most often give the child toys and picture books. But by the age of 7, most children already know how to read, actively ask questions to which parents cannot always find the correct answer
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
The immune system protects our entire body from a variety of diseases. A child is a developing organism, and diseases only harm normal development. In order to cause minimal harm to a small body, you can strengthen the baby's immunity with folk remedies
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
A child, from a very young age, learns the world in detail. It is very important for them to gain new knowledge. Be wiser than your peers, thus earning your authority. Of course, many will ask why, then, children do not like going to school so much?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
If your kid has grown up, and he is no longer interested in walking exclusively on the playground in the courtyard of the house, you can take him for a walk to another place. To make it more fun for you, you can invite familiar mothers with children with you
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
How to increase the educational motivation of the child? This question is often heard by psychologists during consultations. Parents come with a desire to "make the child learn." Not all children go to school with pleasure. And the older they get, the more serious this problem is
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
All newborns hear only loud sounds, and they react poorly to quiet ones. Observing your child's behavior often will help determine how their hearing is developing. Remember that all disorders in the development of speech can be prevented and eliminated if treatment is prescribed on time
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
The choice of footwear for a child is a responsible and important process, since it is the quality and comfort of the footwear that determines how comfortable the child will be, who loves active and active games. Shoes for the baby should be as comfortable and ergonomic as possible, so as not to damage the development of ligaments and joints, so you should not save on children's shoes, and you should not pay attention only to its appearance
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Improperly fitted footwear leads to foot deformity, curvature of the toes, and flat feet. To avoid all this, choose the right shoes for your baby. The size Children's shoes should not be slightly larger than the child's feet ("
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
The modern range of sleds for children is striking in its variety. Sometimes it becomes very difficult to choose one or another model. The appearance, colors or the presence of bright accessories do not always justify the main quality of the sled - reliability and safety for the child
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Specialists find diseases of the legs in more than half of the children. But children in life have to overcome thousands of kilometers. To protect your baby from future problems, you need a comprehensive approach, including choosing the right shoes
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Valenki are unusually warm and fairly comfortable shoes. Currently, children's boots are in great demand. To choose the most suitable model, you need to know certain rules that should be followed when buying. How to choose the right boots Valenki are shoes that have unique characteristics
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Psychology is one of the most popular areas of human knowledge. Many books on psychology have long turned into fun reading for a wide variety of people. Some are looking for the answer to the question in them: how to achieve success, others - how to find a life partner, still others - how to raise a child correctly … Demand always gives rise to supply, so a huge amount of psychological literature has appeared on the book market
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
All children are different, in general, like all adults. And the speed of mental processes is different for everyone. Children with poor mobility of the nervous system are called sluggish. They are about 20% of the total number of children, this is a lot, one fifth
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
There are active children who are not able to sit in one place for more than five minutes, but there are those who are slow. If your child belongs to the second type, and he is about to go to kindergarten very soon, then you will have to take his correction into your own hands without delay
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
People born on Monday are under the auspices of the moon. As a rule, these are very emotional, subtly perceiving people who suffer from their hypersensitivity. A well-chosen name can lower their emotionality a little and thus make life easier
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
How joyful it becomes in your soul when you see a baby trying to help mom. The child independently collects toys, albeit awkwardly, but makes his bed, tries to wash the dishes, etc., but it also happens vice versa, when a child of preschool or primary school age cannot do anything at all without the help of adults
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Many children seem to do a good job of preparing for lessons. Teachers praise them for their correctness and accuracy, but they do not always realize that this is the result of many hours of joint work of the child with the parents. Sometimes paired homework is delayed until the middle level, and meanwhile, psychologists say that every primary school graduate can do their homework on their own if taught to do so
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
The child went to school, and he had a lot of new responsibilities, including homework. Some children sit down and do their homework without being reminded, for others it is not easy. Instructions Step 1 First, try to identify the reasons why the child does not want to do homework
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
If you are determined to help your child do their homework, be sure to have some creativity and patience to turn this very painful activity into a fun and interesting way to learn and communicate. Imagine that you and your child are going on a trip from the country “I don’t know, I don’t know how, I can’t,” to the country “I know everything
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Sometimes we do not have time to notice how the child changes, new habits or shortcomings appear. Yesterday the baby smiled at everyone, and today he began to show how sharp and strong his teeth are. Parents are shocked, as such a transformation seems to them senseless and wild
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
The beginning of schooling is a rather difficult period in a child's life: a busy school day is very different from what he is used to in kindergarten, the load and requirements increase. At the same time, now the child has less opportunity to move, and after all, movement is necessary for correct development
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
A successful personality is formed from birth. Raising a successful child does not mean loading him with all kinds of developmental courses and thereby depriving him of a happy childhood. The main motivation is hidden in the correct behavior of the parents
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
A leader must have a certain set of qualities that distinguish him from other people. Leadership qualities are usually understood as those that contribute to the formation of a person in this status and ensure the effectiveness of the performance of their functions
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Engage in an exciting activity with your child, create with your own hands a holder for a light bulb for 3, 5 V. You can easily make it from a matchbox. With the help of such a lamp holder, you can decorate an artificial aquarium made of homemade fish or a dollhouse with illumination
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
School bags over the shoulder can cause irreparable harm to health by distorting posture and negatively affecting cerebral circulation. The optimal weight of such a burden, according to scientists, should not exceed 1.5 kg, but in the conditions of a modern educational program, this weight is only made up by the belongings of a 1st grade student
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
A newborn baby spends most of its time asleep. Therefore, it is important for parents to make sure that the mattress in the crib is as comfortable as possible, as well as meeting the requirements of orthopedists. At the age of one year, the baby's back muscles are still very weak
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
We all want our children to do well in school, but sometimes, with all the effort we put in, that doesn't happen. What's the matter here? It should not be forgotten that when a child moves from kindergarten to school, a period of adaptation cannot be avoided
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
A pacifier is a special substitute for a mother's breast that can satisfy the sucking reflex that a little person has from birth. Despite the fact that many pediatricians and dentists advise mothers, if possible, to abandon this simple item of children's use, sometimes the use of a pacifier is not only very justified, but also extremely necessary for the baby
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Most people know that kefir is good for the human body due to the presence of lactic acid bacteria, proteins, vitamins and microelements in it. It is also popular because it helps to normalize the intestinal microflora, improves digestion. However, are there any benefits of kefir for infants?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
People who first encountered palmistry, that is, fortune telling along the lines on the hand, usually ask many questions. In particular, they are interested in whether the lines on the hand can change during life. In the art of palmistry there are many incomprehensible moments for the uninitiated person
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
The harmonious development of a child is impossible without toys. With their help, children learn about the world around them, form their own idea of life values. Therefore, the choice of toys must be approached with great responsibility. Instructions Step 1 Choose toys according to your child's age
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
A newborn baby, that is, a child up to one month old, is just getting used to new conditions of existence. Adapting to the environment, he begins to actively explore the world around him, and the first toys are the best helpers in this. Instructions Step 1 Do not try to choose the most colorful of all toys for little ones
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
In one year, the child not only possesses some simple skills, he begins to take an active interest in the world around him. Therefore, many parents want to present the child with new knowledge in the form of a game and adventure, and more and more often bring the child out into the world
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Now it is very difficult for a child to choose a particular toy. Not because the choice is small, but because, on the contrary, it is very large. Sometimes in a children's store you just don't know what to choose. The best option would be constructors, which are presented in a large assortment and for different ages
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
As a child grows up, his needs for toys also change. At first, the baby is amused by rattles, they are replaced by pyramids, balls, musical and educational games. Soft toys are loved by children of all ages. Instructions Step 1 For a baby, a teddy hippo or teddy bear is not just a toy, but a loyal friend with whom you can share all the joys and sorrows