Children and parents

What To Do If The Lower Abdomen "pulls" During Pregnancy

What To Do If The Lower Abdomen "pulls" During Pregnancy

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy are frequent occurrences that are not always a cause for concern. However, any changes in her health can be perceived by a pregnant woman as a threat to the health of the unborn baby

What Can Replace The Pacifier

What Can Replace The Pacifier

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The pacifier is one of the most controversial items used in baby care. Some mothers assure that nothing can be worse than a pacifier and call it a breast substitute and a threat to breastfeeding. Other women believe that the pacifier helps the baby calm down and gives the mother a little rest

How To Choose A Dummy

How To Choose A Dummy

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Contrary to the outdated belief that a dummy forms a malocclusion and leads to speech defects, many parents still include this simple item for child comfort in the dowry of a newborn. In every specialized children's store, in any pharmacy, the parent's eye is pleased with a huge variety of shapes, sizes and colors of pacifiers

Is Anesthesia Dangerous For A Tooth During Pregnancy?

Is Anesthesia Dangerous For A Tooth During Pregnancy?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

To treat a tooth now or later? This issue causes a lot of controversy among pregnant women. Only gynecologists and dentists remain adamant - dental treatment for expectant mothers is a necessary measure for the development and birth of a healthy baby

Whether To Give A Pacifier To A Newborn

Whether To Give A Pacifier To A Newborn

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

When a child appears in a family, mothers and fathers have many questions related to the development of the baby, care and upbringing. One such question concerns the appropriateness of using pacifiers and nipples. Instructions Step 1 The need to suck is inherent in almost all newborn babies

Why You Can't Raspberry Jam During Pregnancy

Why You Can't Raspberry Jam During Pregnancy

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

During pregnancy, the baby's health depends entirely on the mother's lifestyle. Nutrition has a great impact on the development of the baby, as it feeds through the mother's umbilical cord. Therefore, you need to follow the recommendations of doctors and fulfill the "

How To Prevent Premature Birth

How To Prevent Premature Birth

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The birth of a child is the most important event in a woman's life. It is very important for the child to be born on time, to be healthy and beloved by the parents. If there is a possibility of having a baby ahead of time, you need to do everything in your power to prevent premature birth and give birth on time

How To Help Your Child Take The First Steps

How To Help Your Child Take The First Steps

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Surely, many parents are looking forward and awe when their baby starts to walk. The day this event happens will be unforgettable. While the child is just making attempts at the first steps, parents can help him with this. Remember, all children are different

How To Develop A Baby

How To Develop A Baby

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

With a child, starting from birth, it is necessary to constantly deal with. It is important for every mother to know how to play with the child correctly, how to help develop his vision, hearing and fine motor skills. Instructions Step 1 Develop your baby's eyesight

Should You Plan To Give Birth In Phuket?

Should You Plan To Give Birth In Phuket?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

When planning children, many parents think seriously about childbirth abroad. The favorable climate of Thailand, the spirit of freedom, affordable prices, developed infrastructure and an extensive range of services in Phuket contribute to the creation of a strong and healthy family

How To Sell A Used Baby Stroller

How To Sell A Used Baby Stroller

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Your baby has already grown up, and a lot of good quality things remain from him, including a stroller. Of course, it is a pity to throw out the stroller, there is no one to give it to, but it is quite appropriate to sell it at a low price. There are many ways to sell a stroller, the main thing is to make it look good

How To Stop Thinking About Pregnancy

How To Stop Thinking About Pregnancy

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Thoughts about pregnancy in some women can lead to deep depression, especially if you really want to have a baby, but you can't do it. Sometimes the reason for this is psychological infertility, and as soon as a woman stops getting hung up on thoughts of childbirth, her dream of a baby comes true

Unwanted Pregnancy: How To Decide

Unwanted Pregnancy: How To Decide

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

An unwanted pregnancy is stressful for any woman. Thinking with a cold head in such a situation is not so easy, but you need to make a decision. And so you have to pull yourself together and weigh all the pros and cons, deciding to leave the child or choose an abortion

How Long Does The Belly Begin To Grow?

How Long Does The Belly Begin To Grow?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

One of the most exciting questions for any pregnant woman is the question of when does the tummy begin to noticeably grow? Doctors call the 16th week of pregnancy the average figure, but it is impossible to predict in advance the onset of a noticeable increase in the volume of the abdomen for each specific woman

How To Find Out The Height Of A Child

How To Find Out The Height Of A Child

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Almost all parents expecting the birth of a baby imagine how it will look. Some, thanks to ultrasound examinations, could even see the baby's face before birth. But no amount of research can answer the question: "How tall will your child be?

How To Temper A Child At Home

How To Temper A Child At Home

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Scientists have proven that hardening develops immunity resistance to the hostile effects of all kinds of bacteria and viruses, and also significantly reduces the sensitivity of the child's body to temperature changes during the off-season. At the same time, it is necessary to start hardening the baby competently and gradually

What Can Change The Pattern Of The Palm

What Can Change The Pattern Of The Palm

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Palmistry, that is, fortune telling by hand, makes it possible to determine the characteristics of an individual's character, spiritual qualities, preferences and inclinations. To do this, you need to be well versed in the palm drawing, which is made up of lines and signs

How To Get Pregnant When The Uterus Is Bent

How To Get Pregnant When The Uterus Is Bent

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The bend of the uterus is formed due to the loss of tone of the pelvic ligaments, due to previous inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as in the presence of tumors of the appendages. These phenomena contribute to the displacement of the uterus from a central location to the side

35 Weeks Pregnant: Starting Preparation For Childbirth

35 Weeks Pregnant: Starting Preparation For Childbirth

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The 35th week of pregnancy, in terms of the obstetric counting system, is equal to eight and a half months. If at this time your stomach began to sink and your pelvic bones ache, then your baby is preparing to be born. Therefore, it's time to get ready for the hospital and mentally prepare for childbirth

How To Survive Mom's Death

How To Survive Mom's Death

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The death of a loved one is the hardest test. It is difficult to describe the intense emotional pain the grieving person experiences. The person feels hopelessness and internal protest against what happened. Instructions Step 1 The loss of dear and beloved people is a powerful psychological blow, after which a person comes to his senses for a long time

What Discharge During Pregnancy Is Permissible

What Discharge During Pregnancy Is Permissible

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The nature of vaginal discharge during pregnancy is determined by changes in the hormonal background of a woman. At different times of pregnancy, their number may increase or decrease, but the main thing is that they do not cause concern. Why does discharge appear during pregnancy, is it normal?

What Fruits And Vegetables Can A Nursing Mother

What Fruits And Vegetables Can A Nursing Mother

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Breastfeeding a baby is a responsible and very serious moment. In order for breast milk to benefit the baby and supply the necessary vitamins, the mother needs to monitor her diet, include various fruits and vegetables in it. How many Despite the fears of many breastfeeding women that fruits and vegetables can cause allergies in the baby, do not forget that they are still necessary to create a balanced diet

How To Relieve Toxicosis During Pregnancy

How To Relieve Toxicosis During Pregnancy

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Many girls believe that during pregnancy toxicosis necessarily occurs, which causes a lot of inconvenience. But this is not the case. Pregnancy, proceeding without any complications, will give the expectant mother only positive emotions. Instructions Step 1 Toxicosis whitens into two groups:

What Does A Child Look Like On An Ultrasound Scan

What Does A Child Look Like On An Ultrasound Scan

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Waiting for the birth of a child is an exciting period in a woman's life. To determine the obstetric gestational age, obtain reliable information about the fetal development process, determine the sex of the child, and the possible physiological characteristics of the baby, an ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the pregnant woman is performed

Toxicosis During Pregnancy. Types, Signs And Causes

Toxicosis During Pregnancy. Types, Signs And Causes

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Although toxicosis during pregnancy is considered a natural condition, there is little pleasant in it. It is advisable for pregnant women to know more about this condition. After all, many women think that toxicosis is just vomiting, but they do not know what can be considered the norm and what is beyond the scope

What Kind Of Fish Should Pregnant Women Eat

What Kind Of Fish Should Pregnant Women Eat

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Pregnant women pay special attention to their diet. The usefulness of fish is often questioned. It has been proven that some species of fish can accumulate mercury in themselves. A pregnant woman should not deny herself fish, especially since most species and seafood, with proper heat treatment, are safe and help fill the deficiency of nutrients

How Not To Gain Excess Weight During Pregnancy

How Not To Gain Excess Weight During Pregnancy

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Some women gain a lot during pregnancy, because they think that in their position they need to eat a lot. However, excess food will not only ruin the figure, but also complicate the pregnancy. To prevent this, you need to take care of yourself and try not to gain unnecessary pounds

How Not To Gain Weight During Pregnancy

How Not To Gain Weight During Pregnancy

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

During pregnancy, slight weight gain is natural. But it is wrong to think that at this time you need to eat for two, your weight can significantly increase, threatening possible complications. Instructions Step 1 Control your appetite

What Is Satisfaction

What Is Satisfaction

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Satisfaction comes from a combination of the Latin words satis, which means enough, and facere, which means to do. The word satisfactionem meant debt repayment. Over time, it acquired other shades of meaning. Meaning In the context of religion, this word denoted a set of actions prescribed to be performed by a priest in order to atone for sins and receive absolution

What Music Is Useful For Kids

What Music Is Useful For Kids

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Music plays a big role in the upbringing and development of babies. It helps the little man to learn the world of emotions, and in older children it develops such qualities as memory, attentiveness, perseverance. The influence of music on children From birth, babies pay attention to sounds

How To Remember The Names Of The Months

How To Remember The Names Of The Months

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Teaching a child is a painstaking process, but exciting and interesting. Understanding the months and seasons is essential for further learning, scheduling and timing skills. Instructions Step 1 Children have associative thinking

How To Learn Geometric Shapes With Your Child

How To Learn Geometric Shapes With Your Child

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

“Learning must be fun in order to learn well” - is sung in a children's song. And preschoolers successfully acquire knowledge only in the game. And so that the kid can easily remember the names of geometric shapes, it is worth coming up with interesting and useful entertainment that will help him with this

Optimal Weight During Pregnancy

Optimal Weight During Pregnancy

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Many girls give up the dream of having a baby just because they are afraid of losing their ideal figure. But do not think that, having gained weight during pregnancy, he will remain so. If you adhere to a balanced diet with a minimum of exercise for all 9 months, then the extra pounds after childbirth will not come to you

How Not To Overeat During Pregnancy

How Not To Overeat During Pregnancy

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

During pregnancy, you should not limit yourself to food, go on a diet. Going to the other extreme and eating for two is also undesirable. What should be done to adhere to the golden mean, how to follow the rules of a healthy diet? Instructions Step 1 The appetite of a pregnant woman is capricious and unpredictable

Scales For Pregnant Women: Features Of Choice

Scales For Pregnant Women: Features Of Choice

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Pregnant women gradually gain weight, compliance with the rate of increase in body weight to the norms indicates the correct course of pregnancy. It is very convenient to have a scale at home in order to constantly monitor your condition. Any floor scales are suitable for this, but it is advisable to take into account some factors when choosing:

Dysbacteriosis In Children - Symptoms And Treatment

Dysbacteriosis In Children - Symptoms And Treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Dysbacteriosis in children cannot be called an independent disease, it is not subject to international classification. Treatment should involve adherence to a diet and taking bacterial drugs that help normalize the microflora. Dysbacteriosis can accompany various infectious diseases, including intestinal infections

What Is Atopic Dermatitis In Infants?

What Is Atopic Dermatitis In Infants?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Atopic dermatitis is one of the most common diseases in infants. For the first time, it makes itself felt at the age of 2-3 months, while the duration of the disease depends on heredity, characteristics of the baby's body and the quality of treatment

Do I Need To Feed My Baby At Night?

Do I Need To Feed My Baby At Night?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

As soon as a woman becomes a mother, her world begins to revolve around the "little sun". But the first days of the baby bring not only unconditional and absolute happiness, but also unusual sleep deprivation at night. The way out of this situation is simple and does not take much time

Why Can't A Baby Fall Asleep

Why Can't A Baby Fall Asleep

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Children's sleep should be sound. Babies after a hard day must restore their strength in the kingdom of Morpheus in order to grow healthy and strong. Unfortunately, babies' sleep is not always serene. It happens that the crumbs cannot sleep and cry

Can A Nursing Mother Eat Sweets? Opinion Of Doctors

Can A Nursing Mother Eat Sweets? Opinion Of Doctors

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The diet of a breastfeeding woman is a complex and extensive topic of conversation. Many people with a sweet tooth worry about whether or not they need to completely cut out sweets while they are feeding. General recommendations Most doctors agree that sweets can be eaten while breastfeeding, but in limited quantities