Children and parents

Note To Young Mothers: Newborn Reflexes

Note To Young Mothers: Newborn Reflexes

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Immediately after the birth of a child, they are tested at the Apgar school - they check for innate reflexes, heart rate, skin condition and color, breathing, muscle tone. This test allows you to judge the physical development of the child and his nervous system

How To Stage A Children's Dance

How To Stage A Children's Dance

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Children's dance helps to develop the child's imagination, his ability to improvise. Musical and rhythmic education is an important part of the process of forming a harmonious personality, it makes children open-minded and sociable. To stage a dance for preschoolers, it is necessary to take into account the age and psychological characteristics of young artists

How To Tell Your Child What Friendship Is

How To Tell Your Child What Friendship Is

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

"Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends!" - this saying has developed back in the days when the indicated amount was very impressive. Of course, real friendship cannot be bought for any money, nevertheless the saying once again emphasized:

How To Make A Chicken From A Plastic Bag

How To Make A Chicken From A Plastic Bag

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Let's make a funny chicken from a yellow plastic bag and a yellow nylon stocking (you can paint a piece of light nylon). A cute chicken will peek out of a hat made from a paper cup. It is necessary - paper cup; - nylon; - cotton wool

Games For Sensory Development Of Children 3-5 Years Old According To The Montessori Method

Games For Sensory Development Of Children 3-5 Years Old According To The Montessori Method

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The ideas and methods of the Italian teacher Maria Montessori have conquered the whole world. The point is not even that her students, without compulsion, by the age of 3-5, began to read and had an idea of all arithmetic operations. The main task of Montessori pedagogy was the child's sensory development - the education of the senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste) and the development of fine motor skills by creating a specially prepared environment

How To Deal With Dysgraphia In A Child

How To Deal With Dysgraphia In A Child

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The old adage that "at school you will be taught to read and write" is a thing of the past long ago. Today's schools require a sufficiently high level of preparation from a child - both mental, psychological and physical. And of course, even before school, the child must learn to read and write

How To Introduce Complementary Foods To A Baby At 4 Months

How To Introduce Complementary Foods To A Baby At 4 Months

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The best food for a baby is breast milk, but it stops satisfying all the needs of a growing body and it is time for complementary feeding. In the case when a child is fed with a formula, acquaintance with new products occurs much earlier, baby food is introduced at 3-4 months

At What Age Can Heels Be Worn

At What Age Can Heels Be Worn

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

High-heeled shoes are a universal symbol of adulthood, which is why most little girls tend to sneak into such shoes. Unfortunately, wearing high heels too young can trigger a variety of health problems. Heels - pros and cons Many podiatrists say that children's shoes should be supplied with a low heel, as this helps prevent flat feet

How To Keep A 2-month-old Baby Busy

How To Keep A 2-month-old Baby Busy

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

A child at the age of two months feels the need to communicate with adults. It's important to make it interesting. In order to entertain the baby and develop the necessary physical, visual, auditory and other skills, it is necessary to pay attention to developmental games, as well as massage and gymnastic exercises

When Can Boys Sit Down

When Can Boys Sit Down

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

It is common for parents to worry about their child, especially if he is the first. They are interested in a wide variety of issues, from those related to the safety of the baby to those related to health and development. It's nice when the baby is ahead of his peers in some way, but you shouldn't be too zealous and push development

How To Teach Yourself How To Dress

How To Teach Yourself How To Dress

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Before entering kindergarten, a child should be able not only to walk on the potty and eat with a spoon, but also to dress independently. After a year, children love to play with clothes, especially with an adult, trying to put on their parents' shoes, hats and socks

How To Know If A Child's Weight And Height Are Normal

How To Know If A Child's Weight And Height Are Normal

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Probably, it was the fate of women who decreed that mothers worry absolutely about everything that concerns their children. When breastfeeding, swaddling and sleeping patterns are getting better, mothers start looking for a catch in something else

Is It Possible To Give An Apple To A Four-month-old Baby

Is It Possible To Give An Apple To A Four-month-old Baby

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

For every young mother, the long-awaited first-born is not only a joy, but also numerous questions, the answers to which are sometimes nowhere to be found. Some parents are worried about whether to give their baby apples at four months. Apple juice - first of all It is impossible to single out any rules that are suitable for absolutely everyone

How To Raise A Confident Child

How To Raise A Confident Child

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Low self-esteem brings many different troubles to its owners. Such people, as a rule, have problems in the communication sphere, which entail even more serious violations (both in personal relationships and in professional terms). That is why it is so important to instill in a person self-confidence, starting from childhood

How To Teach A Child To Walk

How To Teach A Child To Walk

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Walkers can be called one of the greatest inventions that greatly simplifies the life of a mother who has a lot of worries. When a child is carried away by a walker, a woman has a little free time, which she is free to dispose of at her own discretion

Nocturnal Emissions In Adolescents

Nocturnal Emissions In Adolescents

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Pollution is the spontaneous and uncontrolled ejaculation, which is not related to sexual intercourse, as well as to masturbation. As a rule, nocturnal emissions occur in adolescents during sleep and indicate their entry into puberty. It should be noted that this phenomenon is considered an absolute normal physiological act and a sign of good functioning of the gonads

How To Draw A Cat For A Child

How To Draw A Cat For A Child

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Sometimes it seems that drawing is very difficult, and it requires a gift or talent. But in fact, almost everyone can draw, of course, not masterpieces. For example, creating a cat on paper is easy enough. It is necessary paper

How To Teach A Child To Speak Beautifully

How To Teach A Child To Speak Beautifully

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

It is pleasant to listen to a literate speech, and when a child speaks beautifully and expressively, it is doubly pleasant. The ability to clearly and clearly express your thoughts is a big plus and a guarantee of future success. Therefore, it is so important that parents teach their baby to speak beautifully

Why Children Change At Puberty

Why Children Change At Puberty

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Adolescence is considered a crisis age. Its physiological basis is puberty - puberty, therefore adolescence is otherwise called pubertal. During it, children change especially strongly. Puberty is the age when a boy becomes a boy and a girl becomes a girl

What Does A Baby Look Like At One Month

What Does A Baby Look Like At One Month

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

During the first 28 days after birth, the baby is considered a newborn. After this period, the baby becomes an infant or infant. Height, weight, appearance, physical skills have changed. Each baby is individual, but there are average indicators of a child's development by the first month of his life, which are considered to be the norm

What To Do If Your Child Is Not Gaining Weight

What To Do If Your Child Is Not Gaining Weight

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

There is a set rate of weight that a child should gain at a certain age. A slight deviation from the norm is not dangerous, in one month the baby can gain less than the norm, and in the next - more. Why the child began to gain little weight If the child is healthy, and outwardly it is impossible to determine the cause of the significant underweight, you should consult a doctor and conduct all the necessary examinations

How To Develop Fine Motor Skills In A Child Under One Year Old

How To Develop Fine Motor Skills In A Child Under One Year Old

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

As soon as the child turns his attention to his hands, at about three months of age, the work on the development of fine motor skills becomes especially interesting, and the chances that the child will speak correctly are increased. Finger games and exercises Finger games are good because they can be started right from birth, and even after a few years the child will be just as exciting to play them

How To Wean Lip Biting

How To Wean Lip Biting

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The formation of bad habits begins in childhood. Such of them, as, for example, the habit of biting the lips, arise in children when they try to get rid of some irritant or simply imitate adults. Instructions Step 1 The lip biting habit can be caused by a traumatic situation, and if not immediately paid attention to it, it will become chronic and will haunt the child for the rest of his life

How To Teach How To Tie Shoelaces In

How To Teach How To Tie Shoelaces In

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The ability to tie shoelaces is different for every child. Someone masters this science by the age of 4-5, the other approaches school age without the skill of tying shoelaces. In modern babies, the situation is complicated by the fact that shoes for them are mainly produced with Velcro and, in general, there is nothing for them to exercise

How To Wean From Motion Sickness

How To Wean From Motion Sickness

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The habit of rocking small children so that they calm down and fall asleep is quite widespread. Many moms and dads resort to motion sickness when a child begins to cry, be capricious, and behave too noisy and playful. Unfortunately, motion sickness is not beneficial for a child

What To Do If The Child Does Not Speak

What To Do If The Child Does Not Speak

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Speech is one of the main tools that help a person interact with other people. The baby begins to master speech from eight months. But what if your child does not utter the set of sounds necessary for a one and a half year old baby, and a three year old still does not speak?

Who Are Teenagers

Who Are Teenagers

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Increasingly, you can hear the word "teenager", but not everyone knows exactly what it means. The word is of English origin, and it is very easy for native speakers to determine its meaning, since it consists of two parts: "teen"

What Toys Do Children Need At 6 Months

What Toys Do Children Need At 6 Months

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

After five months, children become extremely mobile, they try to crawl, sit down, are actively interested in the surrounding reality. At this age, it is too early for them to say goodbye to rattles, but the time has come to learn new entertainment

How Easy It Is To Solve The Geese Problem

How Easy It Is To Solve The Geese Problem

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The old problem of just a hundred geese will help you to spend your free time usefully. It can be offered to solve not only children, but also adults. Task: a flock of geese is flying, and one goose is flying to meet them. He shouts:

How Much Should A Child Weigh

How Much Should A Child Weigh

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The physical development of children takes place in different ways, it depends not only on the sex of the child, but also on his heredity, health, nutrition and other conditions. There are no exact weight values for each age, nevertheless, statistical data made it possible to identify the norms of physical development, by which it is convenient to navigate

How To Develop A Child At 2 Years Old

How To Develop A Child At 2 Years Old

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

At two years old, the child actively absorbs new knowledge and skills. It is important not to miss the moment and to come to grips with the development of his logic, speech, computation skills and independence. At two years old, the child wakes up a desire to actively learn new things, express himself and fantasize

How To Send A Child To Figure Skating

How To Send A Child To Figure Skating

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The national figure skating school is still considered one of the strongest in the world. Russian coaches work with many Olympic champions from different countries, and interest in figure skating is further fueled by all kinds of TV shows. If you and your child are eager to join this sport, everything is in your hands

What Does A One-year-old Child Need

What Does A One-year-old Child Need

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

So the baby turned one year old, during this time he turned from a timid guest into a full-fledged owner of your life, everything now revolves around his interests. What should be the activities, games with the child, what kind of dishes should be prepared and what toys should he buy?

How To Put A Two-year-old To Bed

How To Put A Two-year-old To Bed

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Two years is such a wonderful and interesting age. But there is not a single mother in the world who was not faced with the question of how to put her two-year-old child to bed. Everyone is faced with this problem. What are the ways to put your child to sleep?

Why Does A Child Love Dad More

Why Does A Child Love Dad More

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Sometimes the situation in the family develops in such a way that the child gives preference to only one of the parents, ignoring the attempts of the other to grab his attention. You should not take his whims to heart, because the baby does not even suspect how hard it is to endure his "

How To Organize A Walk In Kindergarten

How To Organize A Walk In Kindergarten

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Walking is an obligatory part of the daytime regimen in kindergarten. As a rule, for children over the age of one and a half years, two walks are provided: morning and evening, each lasting one to two hours. Instructions Step 1 Check the readiness and safety of the equipment in the area where children will be walking

How To Train Your Child To Fall Asleep In Their Bed

How To Train Your Child To Fall Asleep In Their Bed

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Sharing a baby's sleep with parents certainly has its benefits, especially during breastfeeding. However, sooner or later the moment of "relocation" of the baby to his own bed comes. How to teach him to fall asleep in his bed? Instructions Step 1 The optimal age for learning to sleep in your bed is from 2, 5 to 3 years

What Toys Develop Hand Motility In Children

What Toys Develop Hand Motility In Children

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

It is necessary to develop fine motor skills, or, in other words, the child's ability to use their own hands. It all starts from early childhood, with "Ladies". Later they buy special educational games for the child. Working together with a son or daughter in mosaics, modeling, assembling models from a construction set, parents thereby develop the child's intellect

What To Do If A Child Is Severely Behind In Development

What To Do If A Child Is Severely Behind In Development

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Parents of children with developmental delays tell the pediatrician about their worries: the baby does not behave like his peers. He does not do simple exercises that others do without difficulty, does not smile at 3 months, does not speak at 3, does not assimilate school material, etc

How To Tell If Your Child Is Ready For School

How To Tell If Your Child Is Ready For School

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Many parents believe that if their child already knows how to read and write, then he is completely ready for school. In fact this is not true. Each child is individual, it is possible to determine whether a particular kid is ready for school by several signs