
How To Achieve Multiple Orgasm

How To Achieve Multiple Orgasm

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Multiple orgasm is the pinnacle of pleasure. Not every woman can experience this pleasure. For some ladies, the ability to multiple orgasms is inherent in nature itself. They do not require special training. However, almost every woman can learn to achieve multiple orgasms

How To Make A Man Get Up

How To Make A Man Get Up

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Any woman can excite a man. It is only important to find the right approach. Someone will like erotic lingerie, someone will be delighted with immodest offers, and the sight of an open leg will alert someone. But it is important that a man does not have problems in the sexual sphere

What Words Excite Men

What Words Excite Men

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

It is no secret that the tender words of a woman, spoken on time, are capable of working miracles with a man. But not everyone knows what words and in what cases will be appropriate. What words are pleasing to a man? For a man, his own name, pronounced by a woman with a gentle and gentle intonation, is very important

How To Excite A Man The Most

How To Excite A Man The Most

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Exciting a man is not such an easy task as it seems at first glance. Moreover, this is a completely individual question. But there are some general and universal tips that can conquer any man. Instructions Step 1 Sexy clothes

How To Make A Girl

How To Make A Girl

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The birth of a child has moved from the Miracle section to the Planning section. Now you can determine in advance the sign of the zodiac, the exact date of birth, genetic background, and even choose the gender of the child. Instructions Step 1 The decision to have a baby is one of the most important decisions in your life

How To Protect Yourself The First Time

How To Protect Yourself The First Time

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Among some young people and girls, you can often find the opinion that it is impossible to get pregnant after the first intercourse. This is not true. For the first time, the likelihood of conceiving a child, as well as contracting an infection, is no less than on other days

How To Make A Woman Want

How To Make A Woman Want

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Sexual arousal manifests itself differently in all people. But there are some techniques for increasing sexual activity that work with almost every person. How to make a woman desire? Instructions Step 1 Create a cozy, intimate atmosphere of communication, let no one bother you

I Want Sex, But It Is Not. What To Do?

I Want Sex, But It Is Not. What To Do?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Sex is an integral part of life, but it may not be there for various reasons. For example, if a person has any health problems or has not yet found his soul mate. The ways out of this situation can be different. Instructions Step 1 Determine the real reason why there is no sex in your life

How To Lose Virginity, Or The First Time - It Is The Most Difficult

How To Lose Virginity, Or The First Time - It Is The Most Difficult

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The attitude towards virginity has changed many times in the history of mankind. Some societies demanded the mandatory preservation of virginity until the first wedding night, others did not attach much importance to it. Today, virginity can be both an object of bargaining and a value kept for a single man

90 Days Without Sex, Or How To Tie A Man To Yourself

90 Days Without Sex, Or How To Tie A Man To Yourself

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Americans believe that they know everything about sexual relations, since they have Steve Harvey, a popular TV presenter and bestselling author of "it". He recommends that women use the Ninety-Day No Sex Rule. This writer told how you can tie a man to yourself

Why Doesn't She Want Sex

Why Doesn't She Want Sex

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

As beautiful and exalted as the platonic relationship is, the intimacy between two people is of the utmost importance. In a harmonious relationship, a man and a woman always have something to talk about during the day and something to do at night

How To Give A Massage For Your Beloved

How To Give A Massage For Your Beloved

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Every minute spent with a loved one is a pleasure and joy in itself. But even more pleasure can be obtained from the intimate, confidential communication that occurs during close contact. The reason for such a relaxing contact can be an erotic massage, with which you can please your beloved woman, and yourself too

How To Increase Sex Drive

How To Increase Sex Drive

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

There are many reasons for a decrease in sex drive. It can be associated with age-related changes, fatigue, stress, taking medications, the presence of some kind of complexes, etc. Or maybe someone was not initially temperamental enough. Some people put up with a decrease in libido, as they believe that nothing can be done about it

Sex Positions During Pregnancy

Sex Positions During Pregnancy

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

If there are no serious contraindications, then sex during pregnancy is beneficial and desirable. As the tummy grows, couples begin to think about which sex positions during pregnancy are best to use so that everyone is comfortable. Side pose In this position, the woman lies on her side, and the man is behind her

How To Bring A Girl To A Jet Orgasm? Tips For Men

How To Bring A Girl To A Jet Orgasm? Tips For Men

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Some sexologists argue that men who master the technique of bringing women to an amazing orgasmic release can rightfully be called lovers from God. We are talking about the so-called jet orgasm, or squirt. But to bring a woman to orgasm, called squirt, you need to know something

What Positions Are There For Having Sex

What Positions Are There For Having Sex

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Sex is the most ancient occupation of mankind, it appeared long before everything else, because otherwise the human race simply could not exist. But over time, people became more and more inclined to consider sex not as a way of procreation (although this function has not gone anywhere), but as the art of lovers to give each other pleasure

How To Prepare A Girl For Anal Sex

How To Prepare A Girl For Anal Sex

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Anal sex can be a very pleasant experience and diversify your sex life, but for this, both partners must mutually want it, and the sex itself must be preceded by high-quality preparation. Instructions Step 1 For girls, anal sex is associated with two fears - fear of possible pain and psychological fear, which can arise for various reasons

How To Painlessly Have Anal Sex

How To Painlessly Have Anal Sex

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Anal sex is one of the ways to get pleasure. It is quite popular in many countries, but it is not customary to speak about it openly. But it's no secret that many couples practice it and even love it. Correct movements can bring pleasure to both partners, you just need to be careful

Best Sex Positions

Best Sex Positions

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Sex is one of the main ingredients for a stable and happy relationship. The value of sex should not be underestimated. And in order for sex life to be a joy, you need to choose the most suitable positions. Missionary - Bed Classic This classic sex position has been tried by almost all sexually mature adults

How To Turn A Woman On

How To Turn A Woman On

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Sexual pleasures and their results in general depend on how well you know the female body and master the technique of arousing your beloved woman. Prelude You can start arousing a woman not only by being alone, but also, for example, in a restaurant

Do I Need To Swallow Sperm

Do I Need To Swallow Sperm

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Sooner or later practically every woman who is sexually active asks this truly piquant question: "Swallow or spit out sperm?" One can argue for a long time that upbringing does not allow someone or it becomes embarrassing to swallow sperm, but the main criterion in this matter is the opinion and feelings of men

How To Achieve A Jet Orgasm

How To Achieve A Jet Orgasm

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Squirt is a female jet orgasm, during which a certain amount of fluid is released, and the woman gets very strong pleasure. Not every lady can achieve a jet orgasm, but with regular practice, the likelihood increases significantly. Prerequisites for a jet orgasm A suitable environment for relaxation and enjoyment

Intimate Games - What Is "golden Rain"

Intimate Games - What Is "golden Rain"

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Golden shower is a sexual game in which pleasure is associated with the partner's urine. The phenomenon refers to fetishism and is much more common than you might think. For example, observing your partner's urination is also part of this intimate play

Does It Hurt To Lose Virginity

Does It Hurt To Lose Virginity

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The first experience of intimate love is a special event that remains in the memory for many years. Many people want to preserve the most pleasant impressions about this moment, but this does not always happen, which is largely due to human fears

How To Increase The Duration Of Intercourse

How To Increase The Duration Of Intercourse

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The reasons for ejaculation too early can be various diseases, characteristics of the body or psychological problems, in this case, only a doctor will help to increase the duration of sexual intercourse. If the time of intercourse fits into medical standards, but does not satisfy the partner, there are ways to increase it

How To Get Multiple Orgasms

How To Get Multiple Orgasms

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Any woman can experience multiple orgasms, they learn this. It is important to understand that the second and third orgasms will not come unless stimulation continues. And that this kind of sensation requires some preparation, which is worth taking the time to

What Sex Positions Do Girls Like

What Sex Positions Do Girls Like

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The correct choice of position in sex is especially important for a woman. For a woman to enjoy herself, it is necessary to achieve success in many elements of sex. Instructions Step 1 Use the following position if you need to create a more romantic atmosphere

Does It Hurt For Guys To Have Sex For The First Time?

Does It Hurt For Guys To Have Sex For The First Time?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

It is known that the loss of virginity often becomes painful or simply unpleasant for girls. In turn, they often wonder if guys are experiencing something similar during their first sex. Physiological characteristics of men Most often, the first sexual intercourse is painless for guys and delivers only pleasant sensations

How Long Can A Woman Live Without Sex?

How Long Can A Woman Live Without Sex?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The systematic or complete absence of sexual activity suppresses a woman morally and often leads to hysterics. This is an unofficial conclusion made by some sexologists. At the same time, for some women, the lack of sex for three days seems catastrophic, while for others - more than a month or even a year

What To Do If You Cum Quickly

What To Do If You Cum Quickly

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

A man who ends up faster during sex than his partner often experiences anxiety or even shame about this, because he is not able to satisfy his beloved. The situation can be improved with a little trick. Do not panic! Understand one simple thing for yourself - a healthy average man reaches orgasm within 3-5 minutes after the start of intercourse

How To Have Sex In The "Helicopter" Pose

How To Have Sex In The "Helicopter" Pose

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Helicopter pose refers to tantric sex. She is great for diversifying your intimate life, the main thing is to first familiarize yourself with the popular variations of this position in sex. After all, it has its own peculiarities - not everyone is able to reproduce such a pose in reality

How To Increase Blood Flow To Your Penis

How To Increase Blood Flow To Your Penis

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Insufficient blood flow to the penis forces men to face such a delicate problem as a weakening or complete absence of an erection. With such a predicament it is necessary to fight, since a physiological disorder can subsequently develop into a psychological one, with all the ensuing consequences

What Smells Excite Women

What Smells Excite Women

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Smell is a significant contributor to sex appeal. Therefore, the question of what to smell or what cologne to buy to please a woman is more than relevant. Unusual smells that turn women on Research by Dr. Alan Hirsch has proven that men do not need perfume at all, and for women, one of the most attractive smells is the scent of fresh baked goods

Choosing A Position For First Sex

Choosing A Position For First Sex

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

For most girls, the first time it happens is at the age of 16-19. It's no secret that everything happens for the first time someday. The first sex for a girl is always an exciting event. What should be the position during the first intercourse so that the girl does not experience psychological discomfort or fear of her partner?

Is It Possible To Get Pregnant From Lubrication, Secretions, Mucus In Men

Is It Possible To Get Pregnant From Lubrication, Secretions, Mucus In Men

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Women are often interested in whether it is possible to become pregnant from lubrication, secretions or mucus that form on a man's penis at the beginning of intercourse. It is worth figuring out how safe it is, and whether partners need to be protected

How To Kiss A Guy Correctly

How To Kiss A Guy Correctly

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

There is still no such intricate trick in the world that a woman could not master. What can make a man turn on with your every touch or tender kiss? Now you will learn how to conquer the desired guy with just one kiss, knowing some techniques and the right approaches

How To Surprise A Woman In Bed

How To Surprise A Woman In Bed

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Women often try to give a man maximum pleasure in bed. To do this, they use a variety of methods. As for men, sometimes, having sex, they do not think about their girlfriend, but try exclusively for themselves. Foreplay before sex When your sex life is at the initial stage, surprise of a girl in bed can cause a breakdown

What Happens If You Don't Have Sex For A Long Time

What Happens If You Don't Have Sex For A Long Time

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Sexual desire in different life periods can either fade away or be renewed. However, recessions in intimate relationships and abstinence have a very strong effect on the human body. The effect of sexual abstinence on the human body At the age of 20 to 45, abstinence does not cause any particular harm to health, because very often there is a sublimation of sexual energy into another channel:

How Men Feel About Blowjob

How Men Feel About Blowjob

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The topic of oral sex has long been out of the category of seditious. It is quite simple to give pleasure to a loved one in this way, and the effect can exceed all expectations. To reach mutual understanding on this issue, you need to know how men feel about blowjob

Does It Hurt To Have Anal Sex

Does It Hurt To Have Anal Sex

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Anal sex can be enjoyable or painful. It all depends on how relaxed the woman is. In addition, good lubricants minimize discomfort and make the process easy and enjoyable. There are no secrets between spouses - how to decide on anal sex Anal sex is the dream of many men