Family life - how to make a seven strong, and close happy

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How To Find The Right Book For Your Child

How To Find The Right Book For Your Child

If you want to know how to choose the right book for your child, then perhaps the following tips will help you. And if you introduce your child to them, then it will be easier for him to choose interesting books for himself. The most important thing is that the book is interesting

How To Calm An Excitable Child?

How To Calm An Excitable Child?

The hyperactivity of the child, the easy excitability of the child are quite common problems in modern families. It is very difficult with such children. But there are methods and techniques that will help the parents of an excitable child. These are simple yet powerful tips that you can use to combat your child's hyperactivity

What To Give A 5-year-old Girl For Her Birthday

What To Give A 5-year-old Girl For Her Birthday

It is both easy and difficult to choose a gift for a five-year-old girl. Stores offer a wide range of products. But the main thing, of course, is to guess what the birthday girl really wants to receive as a gift: a dress, a doll or a live kitten

How To Calm A Teenager

How To Calm A Teenager

Adolescence brings many difficulties both to the teenager himself and to his parents. Increased excitability and conflict of a child, a painful reaction to fairly harmless phrases can lead parents to bewilderment. But if they know what is happening to him, they will be able to choose the most correct options for communication

How To Block The Internet From A Child

How To Block The Internet From A Child

The Internet has now penetrated literally every home. People use it for work, communication and entertainment. The Internet is also useful for children, helping them in their studies, helping them master the skills of using a computer, etc. But many parents are concerned that their children may face the negative aspects of the Internet:

What To Do When A Child Writes In Reflection

What To Do When A Child Writes In Reflection

Mirror writing is a fairly common type of dysgraphia. This feature is observed in the majority of children who started learning to write in preschool age. This usually goes away by the beginning of school, but for some it may remain for life

How To Attract A Child To Study

How To Attract A Child To Study

Sometimes it happens that the child suddenly becomes uninteresting to learn. Instead of immediately starting to shake everyone with school successes after intensive preparation, he does not hear the teacher, he is often distracted, becoming sluggish in the classroom, thinking about something of his own

How To Teach A Child To Retell A Text

How To Teach A Child To Retell A Text

Teaching retelling is a joint work of an adult with a child. Children need to be shown the algorithm for working on the text, teach memorization methods, as well as formulating their own thoughts. Move from simple to complex, gradually minimize your help, be patient and kind, and you will teach your child to retell

What A Teenage Girl Needs To Know

What A Teenage Girl Needs To Know

The teenage period is very important in a girl's life, so parents need to know what information should be presented to a teenager girl. Instructions Step 1 Conversations about puberty and sex, with the girl should be discussed by the mother

How To Make A Characterization For A Preschooler

How To Make A Characterization For A Preschooler

Some modern schools, when a child enters the first grade, require from the management of the preschool institution he attended a description containing information about the skills and achievements of the child, as well as about his ability to find mutual understanding with other children and adults

How To Determine Who Your Child Will Become

How To Determine Who Your Child Will Become

Even at the stage of pregnancy, many parents like to imagine the future of their baby. What kind of appearance he will have, what character, he will love exact sciences, like dad, or humanitarian, like mom, who he will be when he grows up. There are several ways to determine the future profession of the baby

Raising A Happy Child

Raising A Happy Child

In raising children, you always have to answer two key questions: "Who is to blame?" and "What to do?" With the first question, everything is clear - there are always guilty ones. Kindergarten and school, and computer, and companies, and television - all "

How To Write A Biography Of A Child

How To Write A Biography Of A Child

It seems that it is not at all easy to compose a biography of a child, because there are not so many significant facts in his life. And the story, if it succeeds, will be dry and voluminous. However, try to remember all the important events in your baby's life, achievements and interests, and you can write a detailed and interesting biography

What Can Not Be Forbidden To Children

What Can Not Be Forbidden To Children

In some families, especially where there are small children, parents repeat a hundred times a day: "You can't, don't touch, I forbid, stop immediately!" etc. In doing so, parents do not even think that such a restriction contributes to the delayed development of children, makes them unhappy and insecure

How To Teach A Child To Hit Back

How To Teach A Child To Hit Back

Each of us is faced with the problem of self-defense from an early age, because there is always someone who is weak, and there is someone who uses his strength. In kindergarten, all this is largely harmless: children's aggression is manifested in an impulsive desire to bite someone, push, pick up a toy

How To Teach A Child To Do Homework On Their Own

How To Teach A Child To Do Homework On Their Own

The dream of any mother is a schoolboy who does his homework himself, and all she has to do is just rejoice at the grades and sign a diary. After all, we remember how independent and organized we were, we did everything ourselves and did not bother our parents (although you probably simply forgot many moments)

How To Raise A Kind And Obedient Child?

How To Raise A Kind And Obedient Child?

All parents hope that their child will grow up to be kind, sympathetic and obedient. But for this you need to make some efforts to help your baby understand what is good and what is bad. Initially, children are not born angry and disobedient, the wrong upbringing of adults makes them that way

When To Queue For Kindergarten For A Child

When To Queue For Kindergarten For A Child

Enrollment in a kindergarten is compulsory for most Russian regions. Moreover, the sooner parents register their baby in the list of those in need of kindergarten, the better. When to put a child on the queue for kindergarten and why it is needed Despite the fact that the construction of new kindergartens is currently going on quite actively, in most Russian cities there is an acute shortage of places in children's educational institutions

How To Teach A Child To Divide Words Into Syllables

How To Teach A Child To Divide Words Into Syllables

Dividing words into syllables is one of the foundations of teaching a child to read. It is this skill that allows you not only to combine letters with each other, but also to gain an understanding of how words are obtained from letters. It is not always easy for a child to understand syllables, but parents can help the child in this matter

How To Teach A Child To Understand The Clock

How To Teach A Child To Understand The Clock

Time is an abstract concept, so it is quite difficult to teach a child to understand the clock. However, this is necessary, because every day the student will have to determine the exact time by the clock and correctly plan free minutes. Instructions Step 1 First of all, introduce the child to the very concept of time