Children and parents

How To Measure The Fontanelle

How To Measure The Fontanelle

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Very often, young parents are at a loss when they find soft pulsating areas of the skin on the head of their newborn child instead of hard bones. This is the fontanelle. It occurs at the junction of three or more bony plates of the skull. Instructions Step 1 Pediatricians monitor the size of the large fontanelle and the time of its overgrowth

How To Sterilize Nipples

How To Sterilize Nipples

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

A caring mother always remembers how many times a child needs to be fed so that he sleeps soundly and grows up happy. To achieve this goal, every mother knows one little secret - how to properly sterilize the nipples so that the baby's food is healthy

How To Teach A Newborn To Eat According To The Regimen

How To Teach A Newborn To Eat According To The Regimen

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

With the birth of a newborn baby, many questions arise, including how to feed, when and how many times a day, is a regimen needed or is it best to feed on demand? These, quite obvious, questions are of concern to most women who have become mothers of first-borns

How To Teach A Child To Get On All Fours

How To Teach A Child To Get On All Fours

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

It is quite important for a child to be able to stand on all fours, because from such a position the easiest way is to sit down or get up first on his knees without assistance, and then on straight legs, using, for example, a sofa as a support

How To Make Your Child's Hair Thicker

How To Make Your Child's Hair Thicker

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The density of a child's hair depends on the number of hair follicles, or, in other words, hair follicles. The more of them, the, respectively, the hair is thicker. The number of follicles depends on the genetic predisposition and remains unchanged throughout life

Why Do Babies Sweat

Why Do Babies Sweat

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Your baby sweats while nursing or walking, beading with sweat; during sleep, his clothes become wet, even wring it out. Is it worth worrying about this? Why do babies sweat? It is completely normal for a baby to sweat in most cases

How To Wash A Newborn Baby

How To Wash A Newborn Baby

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Every baby perceives bathing differently. Someone is frightened, others, on the contrary, are cheerful and playful. You can organize the process in a small bath or large bath. This is a matter of taste, the main thing is to have a positive attitude and confidence in your own actions

How To Get Your Baby To Breastfeed

How To Get Your Baby To Breastfeed

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Your long-awaited baby was born! Behind the concerns and worries that were associated with the expectation of the first meeting. Now the main task for the baby is to become a "baby", that is. a baby who is fully fed with mother's milk

How To Tell If Your Baby Has Enough Breast Milk

How To Tell If Your Baby Has Enough Breast Milk

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Many mothers who are breastfeeding are worried about whether the baby is full. It's one thing when a baby is fed from a bottle, where you can see how much he has eaten, and quite another is breastfeeding, when it is quite difficult to determine by eye

How To Swaddle A Newborn In A Blanket

How To Swaddle A Newborn In A Blanket

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Mothers and pediatricians often argue about changing babies. Some believe that their little body needs freedom for the proper development of babies, while others believe that tight wrapping in diapers gives the baby the opportunity to sleep peacefully

How To Induce A Burp

How To Induce A Burp

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Most parents in the first months of a baby's life are faced with a problem such as regurgitation. The reasons for regurgitation are many, and one of the main ones is the swallowing of air by the baby during feeding (the so-called aerophagia)

How To Wean A One Year Old Baby From Night Feeding

How To Wean A One Year Old Baby From Night Feeding

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Free feeding involves latching the baby to the breast as many times and at such times as the baby requires, including at night. But sooner or later, the question arises before the mother of how to finish feeding at night. Instructions Step 1 Night attachments to the breast with free feeding are not excluded:

How To Switch From Breastfeeding To Formula

How To Switch From Breastfeeding To Formula

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Very often, the mother does not have enough breast milk or it completely disappears. In this case, the baby is transferred to artificial feeding. A breast milk substitute is used - adapted milk formulas, in terms of the content of basic nutrients, as close as possible to the composition of human milk

How To Crib Train A Newborn

How To Crib Train A Newborn

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Most parents are ready for the fact that with the appearance of a newborn child in the house, they will have to forget about restful sleep. But when the baby grows up, parents increasingly want to relax and retire, at least at night. Teach your child to fall asleep in his own bed, and you will ensure yourself, and most importantly, him, a calm and healthy sleep

How To Increase The Amount Of Milk In Your Breast

How To Increase The Amount Of Milk In Your Breast

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Many women who are breastfeeding are concerned about the question: is there enough milk for the baby? And it happens that it is really not enough. But this problem is completely solvable, the main thing is patience and a positive attitude. Instructions Step 1 Before sounding the alarm, it is worth checking whether the baby really does not have enough milk

How To Make Complementary Puree

How To Make Complementary Puree

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Your baby is growing, and now it's time for the first complementary foods. Your child will surely be delighted with the new fruit and vegetable purees. There are many recipes for making baby purees - in some you can bake the fruit, and in others you can grind it raw

What Clothes Does A Newborn Need

What Clothes Does A Newborn Need

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The birth of a child brings a lot of joy and excitement to his parents. From the first days of his life, a baby needs a variety of things and, first of all, clothes. Choosing the right one is quite a responsible task. Be sure to ask the hospital in advance what you need to take with you for the newborn from clothes

How To Remove Snot For A Child

How To Remove Snot For A Child

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

A runny nose in a small child is a torment not only for the baby himself, but also for his mother and everyone around him. This attack does not allow the baby to sleep peacefully, and a child who does not sleep well brings a lot of problems to life

What To Do If Your Child Does Not Sleep Well At Night

What To Do If Your Child Does Not Sleep Well At Night

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Healthy sleep is very important for your baby's health and development. It is also necessary for the baby's mother to rest and recuperate for the daily troubles and care of the child. When the baby does not sleep well at night, he often wakes up, groans, both suffer - both the baby and his mother

How To Dress Your Baby In Summer

How To Dress Your Baby In Summer

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

With the appearance of a child in the family, parents have a lot of questions, one of which is how to dress a newborn in the summer. It should be borne in mind that thermoregulation in an infant is special, so you need to make sure that the newborn feels comfortable

How To Wear Undershirts

How To Wear Undershirts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Despite a variety of button-up blouses, bodysuits, and overalls for babies from birth on sale, many parents continue to use a classic piece of clothing for a newborn - a vest. The undershirt is especially convenient for swaddling. The main thing is to put it on correctly

What To Do If The Child Confused Day And Night

What To Do If The Child Confused Day And Night

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Many parents are faced with a situation where a child confuses day with night. The kid can perfectly sleep in daylight and be active in the dark. As a rule, the crumb will eventually rebuild itself into the desired mode. But it is better to help him so that this process does not drag on for a long time

How To Increase Baby's Weight

How To Increase Baby's Weight

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Modern pediatrics rarely encounter such a phenomenon as underweight. Fortunately, wars and natural disasters bypass our country. Therefore, most children are healthy and gain weight well. Moreover, the number of babies suffering from overweight from the first years of their lives has greatly increased

How To Wean A Baby From Breastfeeding

How To Wean A Baby From Breastfeeding

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Putting the baby to sleep with the breast is a favorite method of many mothers. In addition, very young children fall asleep on their own while eating. However, this becomes a serious problem as the baby grows older and requires more and more breastfeeding at night

What Documents Are Needed To Receive Free Baby Food

What Documents Are Needed To Receive Free Baby Food

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Almost every family has the opportunity to receive free baby food for children under two years old who are bottle-fed or mixed-fed. This significantly saves the family budget. It is necessary - Application for the issuance of a certificate

Why Does The Baby's Nasolabial Triangle Turn Blue

Why Does The Baby's Nasolabial Triangle Turn Blue

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The slightest external changes in the skin of newborn children, as a rule, are immediately noticed by parents. Some of them can cause real panic. If your baby suddenly has a blue nasolabial triangle, then show maximum vigilance. On the one hand, this may be a consequence of severe hypothermia, on the other, it may indicate serious illnesses

What Salads Can A Nursing Mother Eat

What Salads Can A Nursing Mother Eat

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

A nursing mother should adhere to certain nutritional principles, especially if the baby was born very recently. On the one hand, food should be healthy and varied so that the child receives all the substances he needs. On the other hand, food eaten by the mother can cause allergies in the baby and cause gas and tummy problems

How To Treat A Child's Rash

How To Treat A Child's Rash

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Sooner or later, some parents are faced with a problem such as a rash in children. It causes a lot of trouble and affects the well-being of the baby, so it is advisable to know how to improve the condition of the skin and relieve itching. It is necessary - string, sage, chamomile

From How Many Months The Baby Can Be Given Soups

From How Many Months The Baby Can Be Given Soups

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Nutritionists today argue about how healthy soup is for an adult, in fact, being pieces of food that are highly diluted with liquid. It reduces the concentration of gastric juice, slowing down and even disrupting the digestion process. But for a kid who still does not know how to chew and drink, soup is simply necessary and very useful

How Often Should A Pediatrician Visit A Newborn

How Often Should A Pediatrician Visit A Newborn

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Any young mother is looking forward to being discharged from the maternity hospital. But, finding herself in her native walls with a newborn baby in her arms, after a while she begins to worry about the medical supervision of the child. After all, he is so tiny

How To Learn To Clean Your Baby's Ears

How To Learn To Clean Your Baby's Ears

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Babies' ears need constant care. But every young mother finds this lesson the most difficult if she does not know how to clean her baby's ears correctly. It is best to practice hygiene of your ears while bathing. Bathing the baby should take place in warm water, but in no case hot, use only a soft washcloth

The Diet Of The Child At 6 Months

The Diet Of The Child At 6 Months

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Complementary foods are started at six months of age and the need for formula or breast milk is reduced. The kid becomes more and more active, spends much more energy, and therefore his diet requires adjustment. Diet for babies at 6 months At the age of six months, the child begins a transition period, heralding an adult diet, when the menu consists of breakfast, lunch and dinner

How To Sterilize A Breast Pump

How To Sterilize A Breast Pump

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The breast pump is a rather new invention, but it has already become firmly established in the life of young mothers. After all, it is very simple and convenient to use, moreover, it gives an excellent opportunity to preserve breastfeeding, even if a woman cannot spend the whole day with her baby

Do I Need To Wake Up The Baby For Feeding

Do I Need To Wake Up The Baby For Feeding

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Many pediatricians recommend feeding your baby every 2-3 hours. When it comes to night feedings, doctors often insist that a young mother wake her baby up when he sleeps for a long time. Although in fact, not everything is so simple. Instructions Step 1 A premature or debilitated baby

Which Is Better Than A Sling Or A Kangaroo?

Which Is Better Than A Sling Or A Kangaroo?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The young mother needs help with transporting the baby. Since strollers are quite bulky and uncomfortable, attachments such as baby slings and kangaroos are now very popular. But many mothers ask themselves questions: which is better to choose a sling or a kangaroo?

How To Teach A Child To Swallow

How To Teach A Child To Swallow

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Swallowing is a very complex motor process that moves food from the mouth to the stomach through the esophagus. In early infancy, the swallowing mechanism is infantile. That is, the child swallows with the tongue, which rests on the lips. And when his milk teeth erupt, his swallowing becomes somatic

How To Make A Crib With Your Own Hands

How To Make A Crib With Your Own Hands

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Buying a crib is a big part of the financial expenses before the birth of a baby. But the future dad or grandfather of the child can make such a crib on their own, with their own hands. It is enough to arm yourself with the necessary material and locksmith tools and the bed will be ready for the return of the mother with the baby from the hospital

How Often To Walk With A Baby In Winter

How Often To Walk With A Baby In Winter

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

It is very important to take babies out for frequent walks, even in winter. Fresh winter air strengthens the baby's immunity, helping to avoid many diseases. In order for the walk to bring only benefits, you need to properly prepare for it. Winter walks with a baby It is possible to arrange short winter walks for a child from two weeks of age

How To Properly Feed A Baby With A Formula If There Is Little Breast Milk

How To Properly Feed A Baby With A Formula If There Is Little Breast Milk

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The birth of a child is probably the most significant event that can happen. This is happiness for every woman. But with the advent of the baby, mothers have many questions, including those related to feeding the baby. Every woman wants only the best for her child

How To Treat Abdominal Pain In Children

How To Treat Abdominal Pain In Children

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Infants often have gastrointestinal colic caused by flatulence. They arise due to the anatomical features of the structure of the internal organs of the child. Various means of both traditional and traditional medicine can help a baby cope with such pains