
What To Do If A Child Coughs

What To Do If A Child Coughs

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Almost all parents perceive the cough of their child as a problem that must be eliminated immediately. But it is completely in vain: in most cases, coughing is not evil, but good. After all, this process is necessary for the body to get rid of mucus that accumulates in the upper respiratory tract, and from the pathogenic microbes contained in it

How To Treat Infants With Folk Remedies

How To Treat Infants With Folk Remedies

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The baby's illness is a concern for any mother. But when an infant begins to hurt, the question arises of how to treat it, because most medicines have age restrictions. Most often, drugs are contraindicated in children under two years of age

How To Deal With Sweating In Babies

How To Deal With Sweating In Babies

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Sweating is a natural process. However, excessive sweating signals that something is wrong in the body. The reasons for this can be various, dangerous and not dangerous. Non-dangerous causes of heavy sweating and how to eliminate it The first thought that comes up if your child is sweating is that the baby is hot

How To Give Espumisan To Children

How To Give Espumisan To Children

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Bloating is the most pressing problem in young children. Every parent wants to alleviate the illness of their child as much as possible. Espumisan is aimed at helping in such a situation. Necessary - Espumisan 40; - measuring spoon

How To Relieve A Baby Of Colic

How To Relieve A Baby Of Colic

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Colic, sometimes lasting up to four months of age, brings a lot of grief to both the newborn and his parents. Traditional medicine and modern science will help to survive the difficult times of infant colic. There are hardly any parents in the world who are unfamiliar with the phenomenon of infant colic

How Much Should A Child "should" Sleep

How Much Should A Child "should" Sleep

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The kid, of course, owes nothing to anyone. It would be more correct to ask how much the child can sleep. So, sleep is a natural process. And the baby can sleep as much as he needs. If tired - it will sleep, if not asleep - the body is not tired enough to go into "

How Many Times A Day Does A One-year-old Child Sleep

How Many Times A Day Does A One-year-old Child Sleep

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Small children differ from adults in that they have their own daily routine. They eat and sleep at the same time. Sleep needs decrease as your baby grows older. Sleep features A child at the age of one year is no longer an infant, his intellectual sphere develops, personality traits appear

Nutrilon Mixture: Reviews

Nutrilon Mixture: Reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Nutrilon is formulated to feed babies from the moment they are born. According to the manufacturers, it promotes the development of intelligence and immunity, helping children grow up healthy. Nutrilon Blend Composition Nutrilon dry mix contains GOS / FOS prebiotics, which help in the development of the baby's own healthy intestinal microflora, support his immunity and help reduce the risk of allergic reactions and infections

How To Feed A Child With Lactase Deficiency

How To Feed A Child With Lactase Deficiency

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Lactase deficiency is a decrease in the activity of a special intestinal enzyme lactase, which is responsible for the complete breakdown of milk sugar (lactose). In this case, undigested lactose stimulates the flow of fluid into the intestinal lumen, which, under the influence of local microflora, causes the accumulation of gases

How To Bottle Train

How To Bottle Train

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The formula bottle has been the main alternative to breastfeeding for decades. The range of this popular product is impressive. However, even the most recent developments do not guarantee that your little one will easily start feeding from the bottle

Can A Little Girl Get Thrush?

Can A Little Girl Get Thrush?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Symptoms of thrush can appear not only in an adult woman, Candida does not spare anyone. As a rule, thrush in young girls manifests itself in the form of urogenital candidiasis, which implies damage to the genitals. Many mothers do not know that a child may also have thrush

How To Quickly Cure A Child's Rhinitis

How To Quickly Cure A Child's Rhinitis

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

A child's rhinitis is usually caused by a bacterial or viral infection. But too dry or warm air in the nursery and improper nasal hygiene can also contribute to a baby's runny nose. Instructions Step 1 If a child sniffs, it is difficult for him to breathe through his nose, but nothing else bothers him, parents can provide him with first aid without waiting for the doctor's advice

How To Treat A Runny Nose In Babies

How To Treat A Runny Nose In Babies

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Each parent should know how it is possible to stop the onset of a runny nose in his child in accessible ways, if it is not complicated by other symptoms. But in any case, it is better to act in consultation with a pediatrician. Necessary - sea salt

How To Teach Children To Respect Their Parents

How To Teach Children To Respect Their Parents

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Raising a teenager poses many unresolved questions for parents. How quickly yesterday's baby became a ruffy teenager who does not listen to adults and does everything in spite of everything. But in such behavior there are hidden grievances and a test of the world for strength

How To Cure Rhinitis In A Child

How To Cure Rhinitis In A Child

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, which is accompanied by watery or mucous discharge from the nasal passages. In this case, there is swelling of the mucous membrane and difficulty in nasal breathing. Instructions Step 1 More often than not, a runny nose is a symptom, not a separate disease

How To Treat Dysbiosis In An Infant

How To Treat Dysbiosis In An Infant

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Dysbacteriosis is a disease caused by an insufficient number of beneficial bacteria and the colonization of the intestine with harmful microflora. For infants, its main reasons are earlier weaning, feeding with unadapted formulas, weakened immunity due to previous diseases and antibiotic treatment

What Is A Dilated Umbilical Ring

What Is A Dilated Umbilical Ring

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

An enlarged umbilical ring or umbilical hernia is a surgical pathology that in most cases occurs in young children. Its main feature is the appearance of a spherical bulge in the navel. A pathology such as an enlarged umbilical ring, before the age of 5 years, is usually successfully treated with a massage of the abdominal wall

Identification Of Allergens In A Child

Identification Of Allergens In A Child

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

In children, especially under the age of one year, allergic reactions can often manifest themselves, which are expressed in the form of diathesis and not only. Sometimes even an experienced doctor cannot quickly determine what the baby is suffering from

How To Treat A Child's Food Allergy

How To Treat A Child's Food Allergy

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Allergies in a child are a common problem that often manifests itself due to eating citrus fruits, sweets, chicken and other foods. It also happens that an allergy can occur even to a product that is not at risk. Children under 3 years of age are most often prone to food allergies

How To Get Rid Of Allergies In A Child

How To Get Rid Of Allergies In A Child

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Allergy, one of the most common diseases not only in adults but also in children. Allergies are the result of hypersensitivity to something, and every fifth child suffers from it. It brings a lot of inconvenience: refusal of any products, constant cleaning, the inability to have a pet, but there are methods that, if not relieve, then significantly alleviate your child's allergies

How To Treat Allergies In Children

How To Treat Allergies In Children

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Allergies are the most common disease in the world. Some remember it in the spring, during lush flowering, others suffer from it all year round. Bronchial asthma, hay fever, dermatitis, urticaria, allergic rhinitis, drug and food diathesis are diagnosed in more and more children

Treatment And Prevention Of Infant Diseases: Preparing A Decoction Of Chamomile

Treatment And Prevention Of Infant Diseases: Preparing A Decoction Of Chamomile

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

In caring for newborns, medicinal herbs are of great importance. Chamomile is often used, since the spectrum of its beneficial effects is very large, it can be used both externally and internally. Chamomile has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, has a calming and cleansing effect

How To Toilet The Eyes Of A Newborn

How To Toilet The Eyes Of A Newborn

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

It is enough for an adult to wash with cool water in the morning to be vigorous and fresh all day. Newborns also need to start their day by washing their faces and taking care of their eyes, and this will require a number of simple steps from the mother

Important Things About A Child's Sleep

Important Things About A Child's Sleep

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

A small child in a family is not only joy and happiness, but also a huge responsibility. Responsibility for education, development and, of course, health. A child's sleep is an integral part of his life, and therefore it is worth paying special attention to him

How To Treat Children With Mild Colds

How To Treat Children With Mild Colds

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

By the fall, many children fall ill with various colds. And so that their ailments do not develop into serious or, even worse, chronic diseases, it is important to cure them in a timely manner. Here folk remedies and the Golden Star balm come to the aid of parents

What To Do If A Child Has A Runny Nose

What To Do If A Child Has A Runny Nose

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Even such a seemingly banal disease as a runny nose in children, unlike adults, is quite serious. A runny nose is especially dangerous for infants, since they have narrow nasal passages, which even a slight swelling of the mucous membrane leads to a sharp violation of breathing

If The Child Does Not Drink Liquids

If The Child Does Not Drink Liquids

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Children of any age should consume enough liquid, be it water, juices, compotes. A sufficient amount of water in the child's body solves problems such as constipation, loss of moisture during overheating, during an illness with a fever, etc

What A 1 Month Old Baby Should Be Able To Do

What A 1 Month Old Baby Should Be Able To Do

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Each child develops individually, but there are a number of features that should be paid attention to. During the first month of his life, the baby has already managed to learn a lot. Every child is different In order for a woman to correctly analyze the development of her baby, she needs to know what he should be able to do at a given age

What A Healthy Baby Should Be Able To Do At 1 Month

What A Healthy Baby Should Be Able To Do At 1 Month

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

When the baby is one month old, many parents start to worry, but what should their child be able to do and is he developing this way? The first month of life for all babies is about the same: they sleep a lot and are awake for only about 6 hours a day

What A Baby Can Do At 1 Month Of Life

What A Baby Can Do At 1 Month Of Life

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

You have a baby. Now you have a lot of time to spend together. The first 30 days are a period of special responsibility, the most exciting, long-awaited and touching. Finally, your meeting with the child took place. A new life, a new person, a new character has appeared in your home

How To Remove A Tooth For A Child

How To Remove A Tooth For A Child

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

If you need to remove a tooth for a child, but there is no way to visit a doctor, do it yourself. However, you must be extremely careful not to harm the gums and not frighten the child. You also need to follow all the recommendations after tooth extraction

When Baby Teeth Fall Out

When Baby Teeth Fall Out

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The first teeth of a baby are not only a great joy in the life of parents, but also a great responsibility. After all, the condition of these temporary teeth must be monitored no less carefully than the permanent ones. After all, if they start to deteriorate and fall out, there is a risk that the indigenous people will also be unhealthy

How To Give A Baby Medicine

How To Give A Baby Medicine

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Babies need special attention and care from adults. This is especially true during a child's illness, when he needs to be given medicine. In this case, the parent must take into account the specifics of the child's age. Instructions Step 1 Do not treat an infant yourself

How To Introduce Juice Into Complementary Foods

How To Introduce Juice Into Complementary Foods

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The best food for a newborn is breast milk. But after a few months, the baby should gradually get used to other foods. Typically, complementary foods begin between the fourth and sixth months. Juice can be used as the first complementary food, since its consistency is not much different from mother's milk

How To Bake Apples For A Child

How To Bake Apples For A Child

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

To diversify the kid's table, you can bake apples. By their properties, baked apples are great for those who temporarily or permanently follow a diet, since they require almost no additional products. They can be baked without any ingredients at all, but if you cook for children, then it is better to make the dish sweeter and more interesting

How To Wean Your Baby From Breastfeeding

How To Wean Your Baby From Breastfeeding

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

No formula can compare to breast milk. But the moment comes when the feeding must be completed. Indeed, for children over one and a half years old, breast milk becomes more like a habit than a food. But weaning a baby away from breastfeeding is a difficult task

Poor Appetite In A Child

Poor Appetite In A Child

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Nutrition is the main function of the body. What we eat and how much affects our health and appearance. A growing body needs healthy and quality food. Children and adolescents need enhanced nutrition and parental supervision. But what about children who are hard to force to eat

The Child Does Not Eat Well

The Child Does Not Eat Well

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Many parents are intimidated when a child talks about not wanting to eat. But is it really scary and what could be the problem? Let's look at this issue together. Many have encountered the problem of poor appetite in children. Parents often complain that their child often refuses to eat

The Nuances Of The First Feeding

The Nuances Of The First Feeding

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Not every parent can afford to buy good, expensive canned food for a baby's first complementary foods. Therefore, in order not to buy poor quality canned food, you can do just fine without them. It is very important to introduce the first complementary foods correctly

How To Introduce Porridge To Babies

How To Introduce Porridge To Babies

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The transition of a child to "real food" is a significant stage in his development. If the baby is gaining weight normally and is feeling well, you can not rush to introduce complementary foods earlier than six months. But if the child has a lag in height and weight, the appearance of rickets or anemia, the pediatrician may recommend introducing complementary foods from 4-4, 5 months