Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Sleep is necessary for every person, especially for a growing body. It is not for nothing that in preschool institutions a certain period of time is set aside for a "quiet hour". Experts say that babies grow up in a dream, since growth hormone is produced in the pituitary gland at this time
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Responsibility is a complex quality that includes such concepts as conscience, honesty, readiness to answer before oneself and society for the consequences of one's actions. At the age of 3-4 years, the child already realizes himself as a person and, therefore, the time has come to bring up responsibility
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
The time for kindergarten is over, and your recently little and unintelligent kid is going to first grade. This event is important for both the child and his parents. There is no need to worry that this condition is not passed on to your first grader
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Every parent is faced with the whims of their child to one degree or another. The kid is angry, sulking, does not hear your calls, refuses or weeps at all persuasions. Try to stay calm and figure out why this is happening. Instructions Step 1 First of all, try to analyze what the child's whims are connected with
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It is worth going to a speech therapist when a 2-year-old baby does not speak at all or speaks only a few words. The situation is complicated if the same problems are observed in 4-5-year-old children. Some parents do not consider it a reason to worry when their baby, by the age of five, is just beginning to pronounce its first words, and some are sounding the alarm and "
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
One word, two word … But not always the words that a 4-year-old child utters are understandable to those around him. In this case, it becomes clear that the child needs the help of specialists - speech therapists and teachers of a specialized - speech therapy - kindergarten
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Parents are often uncomfortable discussing a situation when their child took someone else's thing or stole money. But in most cases everything is not so scary: there is an opportunity to wean him from taking other people's things without permission, it is enough to carry out certain educational measures for this
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Practical advice for parents who convict a teenage child of stealing. How to respond correctly to the situation? Instructions Step 1 Don't shout or scold your teenager. Better, to some extent, to ignore the very fact of theft
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When a child steals at a young age, this does not mean that he is a bad person, and in the future, stealing will become a part of his life. Indeed, behind such actions, problems of crumbs can be hidden. The main thing is to do the right thing in such a situation
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It will be a shock for any parent to discover that their baby is suffering from kleptomania. The question revolves in my head: "How could this have happened? What did I do wrong?" What to say? This is unpleasant, but there is still a way out
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Today, various methods of early development of babies are offered to the attention of parents. Those who are interested in innovations in this area have probably heard about the method of Nikolai Zaitsev, which allows you to teach a child at an early age not only reading and mathematics, but also some other sciences
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Allergies are one of the most common diseases in young children. In babies, it is manifested by atopic dermatitis - specific skin rashes, itching and dryness. The main reasons for the development of allergies in a child are hereditary predisposition, as well as early and intense contact with the allergen
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
The simplest skill - holding a ballpoint pen correctly entails a whole series of mandatory skills - correct seating, correct positioning of the notebook on the table, correct positioning of the legs, etc. All this must be done competently in order for the child to maintain his even posture
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Early childhood development is very relevant today. It is useful for a child to be more independent, to be able to correctly assess what is happening. The Montessori technique allows you to teach a child to be independent and acquire many useful skills
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Washable pens have their advantages and disadvantages. They can help the child reduce school anxiety, relieve him of the fear of mistakes. But they can also mask serious problems in a child, and precious time to fix them will be lost. The adult generation will probably remember many devices with which they tried to correct mistakes in notebooks and bad marks in diaries:
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Little kids are always interested in everything new, so caring parents from early childhood teach their kids to read and simple mathematics. Already at 2-4 years old, you can start teaching children numbers. Instructions Step 1 Learning playfully Ask your toddler to serve 2 cubes when building the tower
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Parents often face problems when a child speaks poorly, does not pronounce some sounds, and can replace many sounds with others. The reason for this is the underdevelopment of phonemic hearing. By about three years of age, children have a fairly large auditory experience, but they still do not know how to compare sounds in terms of timbre, character, do not know how to listen
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At about the age of 3-4, babies begin to wonder how they were born. The child already understands that he was not there before, that mom and dad lived alone. Therefore, he is worried about where he came from. At the same time, parents need to be ready to thoroughly tell the baby about his origin
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Sooner or later, every child has questions about how the world appeared and who is God. It can be difficult to answer them, and for a correct explanation it is better to turn to the children's bible for help. The most important thing that a child should know about God is that the Lord God is the main being, the Creator and Creator of all that exists
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Where the babies come from? Many parents are anxiously awaiting the day when this question will sound. It is better to be prepared in advance for this. We calmly and confidently share with little vital information. Instructions Step 1 If this heartbreaking question caught you by surprise, do not refuse the child, reprimanding that he has not yet matured to such reasoning
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Modern children, thanks to the developed media industry, learn about the relationship between a man and a woman quite early. However, this does not mean that you need to entrust the education of a child in such a delicate matter as the birth of children, television and the Internet
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Physiological changes, mental development and social adaptation occur during adolescence. Building relationships with society helps to define your place in society. Your child begins to ask the question: "Who am I?", "What is my place in this world?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
“Parents and teachers lose heart, it is difficult to communicate with them, it is impossible to conduct a dialogue with them, it is impossible to convey simple truths to them, one cannot expect adequate behavior from them!” - all this can often be heard when it comes to difficult teenagers
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The most important way for a child to learn about the world is play. Newborns need play almost as much as they need communication. The dexterity and precision of the little fingers depends on the nervous, muscular and skeletal systems in combination with visual coordination
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According to many pediatricians, a child should be breastfed for up to one and a half years. If the baby is already two years old, and he is still receiving breast milk, it will not be easy to wean him from such nutrition. When is it best to wean a baby In America, it is customary to breastfeed a baby for only a few months
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If your child is used to sleeping with their parents, breaking the habit can be difficult even after they have reached a fully conscious age. It's good if the baby at a certain stage of development goes into his own bed on his own initiative
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The student does not want to go to school and does not want to do his homework? There are few parents who will answer in the negative. This phenomenon is very common. Usually, it makes itself felt at the end of the first grade or before moving on to the second
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A child's adolescence is an important period of puberty in a child's life. In a girl, it begins at 9-10 years old, and in a boy at 11-12 years old. Parents need to know that preserving the health of a teenager is not an easy process that requires attention
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If your child is happy to perform various gymnastic exercises, can easily sit on a twine or do a stand on the shoulder blades, then it is time to send him to the gymnastics section. There are a huge number of these sections in Kazan, and only the correct choice will allow you to grow a future athlete
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If your kid is fond of drawing, and is engaged with pencils and paper for a long time and with obvious pleasure, then you should seriously think about the need to develop his creative abilities. To do this, it is enough to find a good educational institution where the child can get a professional art education
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The appearance of a little man leads to big changes in the life of parents. Not all parents are in a hurry with the replenishment of the family due to fear of not raising a child well enough. They are afraid to hear reproaches from them that, for various reasons, did not give the baby the necessary parental love and attention
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One of the most important human organs are the eyes, thanks to which we receive almost 90% of information about the world around us. That is why vision must be protected from an early age. Child's workplace The child has a lot to learn, spending a huge amount of time at the desk
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Most parents do not know the exact time when it is necessary to start teaching the baby to use the toilet. Usually, children are ready to learn how to use the toilet after learning to control their bladder and rectal muscles on their own. However, emotional preparation can take much longer
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
In communicating with our children, we sometimes make mistakes, not thinking that over time they accumulate, and the child can move away from us. How can you avoid this? Instructions Step 1 Take time for your child, put things aside if he came to share something with you
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A baby in the first year of life has every right to wet his pants. Parents usually do not resent or disturb, since a child under one year old cannot voluntarily restrain urination. For many children, with some parental persistence, the problem is solved quite quickly
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The development of a baby up to one year of age, as a rule, is monitored not only by parents, but also by pediatricians who are interested in the child at that moment in terms of the presence or absence of developmental pathologies, irreparable physiological changes
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When communicating with children, parents often make mistakes that lead to the fact that the child withdraws, he loses the desire to tell anything and share his experiences. Parents cannot understand what happened, why the child moved away and became secretive
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
A touching sight - a sleeping baby, so similar to an angel. However, not all children are serenely resting at night. Frequent waking up, difficulty laying down, tearful crying - all this seriously worries the parents of the child. Hunger and thirst One of the most common causes of night crumbs awakening is hunger or thirst
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Marina is a form of the old name Marine, which means "sea" in Latin. This is a very reliable, good and holistic name; its owners are most often self-confident, attractive women. The influence of the name on personality One of Marina's main character traits is self-confidence
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Vegetables are one of the most valuable sources of obtaining a huge amount of vitamins and valuable substances for the development and normal functioning of the body. That is why vegetables are especially necessary for a child. However, it is necessary to introduce them into the children's diet correctly