
Signs Of Hepatitis In Children

Signs Of Hepatitis In Children

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

When still in the maternity hospital a fragile baby starts to get sick with jaundice, doctors never sound the alarm. Since this phenomenon is natural, it is quite common and amenable to rapid treatment. However, in older children, yellowed eyes or skin can be signs of hepatitis infection

Is It Possible To Get Vaccinated If The Child Has An Active Diathesis

Is It Possible To Get Vaccinated If The Child Has An Active Diathesis

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Diathesis is not included in the official list of contraindications for vaccination. But it is considered a temporary and relative contraindication. This means that vaccinations for a child suffering from diathesis can be done, but they should be done outside the exacerbation stage

How To Quench A Child With Water

How To Quench A Child With Water

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

To protect the child from frequent colds, to strengthen his immunity, as well as to increase the body's resistance to infectious and viral diseases, it is necessary to carry out a set of preventive measures. Water hardening is the most effective and efficient prevention method

How To Stop Feeding At Night

How To Stop Feeding At Night

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Depending on the nature and temperament of the baby, night feeds can be stopped in different ways. Compliant, phlegmatic babies can be weaned at once. Tied to the mother, restless and sensitive, they are weaned within 1-2 weeks, gradually reducing the number of feedings

How To Know Your Child's Abilities

How To Know Your Child's Abilities

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Each baby has unique abilities, both genetically and naturally. It is up to parents to identify and develop them. The sooner you understand what the child is addicted to, the more chances he will grow up to be successful and do what he loves

Plasticine For The Little Ones - The First Steps In Sculpting

Plasticine For The Little Ones - The First Steps In Sculpting

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The baby's first acquaintance with plasticine should take place at the age of 1-1, 5 years. Sculpting is a great opportunity to spend time with benefit, developing fine motor skills, spatial thinking and imagination. The beginning of creativity In order for the baby to like to sculpt, it is necessary to choose high-quality, age-appropriate material

What Time Should You Teach Your Child To Read

What Time Should You Teach Your Child To Read

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

According to experts, regardless of when a child starts reading, it is important to instill in him an interest in books. After all, many kids, even at preschool age, are not only able to learn letters and start reading, but also get an idea of diligence and perseverance

How To Create A Portfolio For A Child

How To Create A Portfolio For A Child

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The market economy sets the rules of the game, increasing competition in any area. Gradually, the portfolio moved from adulthood to the life of children. Portfolio preparation teaches self-presentation skills, the ability to collect and appreciate the fruits of one's labor, promotes the development of cognitive activity, creates a situation of success, and builds confidence in the child

How To Issue A Child's Birth Certificate

How To Issue A Child's Birth Certificate

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

A child's birth certificate is one of the first important documents in a baby's life. It records the date of birth, information about the parents, the name of the child. A document is drawn up in the registry office. Necessary - medical certificate of the birth of a child

How To Name A Child Born In April

How To Name A Child Born In April

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

So a miracle happened one day in spring: along with the awakened nature, your baby came to this world. Of course, he is the smartest, the handsomest, the best; of course, you have been waiting for him for so long and have long ago picked up a name for him

How To Tie Baby Booties

How To Tie Baby Booties

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Booties are an indispensable attribute of a newborn's wardrobe. The baby's feet should always be warm, and the socks usually roll off the small feet. This is where soft and warm booties come to the rescue, which firmly hold on to the legs and warm the child's feet

How To Name A Girl With A Middle Name Dmitrievna

How To Name A Girl With A Middle Name Dmitrievna

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Before choosing a name for a girl with a patronymic Dmitrievna, you need to get acquainted with the combination of different names with this patronymic. In itself, the patronymic Dmitrievna says that the girl will grow up independent, she will have an active, complex character, sometimes with an abundance of masculine features

Where Can A Schoolboy Earn Money

Where Can A Schoolboy Earn Money

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Schoolchildren often do not have enough money that parents give them for pocket expenses. That is why from time to time they start looking for a part-time job in their free time from school. Online part-time job for schoolchildren Recently, the Internet is actively used not only by adults, but also by schoolchildren

Is It Possible To Stop Being Gay

Is It Possible To Stop Being Gay

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The first known homosexuals the world knew about were the ancient Egyptians Khnumhotep and Niankhnum. Archaeologists have discovered their mummies, buried in one tomb, the reliefs of which depicted men hugging and kissing. In Persia, Ancient Greece, Rome, male love was considered the norm

How To Find A Good Child Psychologist

How To Find A Good Child Psychologist

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The process of growing up is thorny, and to make it easier, parents often turn to child psychologists. A good specialist will help your child successfully overcome difficulties, establish relationships with parents and peers. But it is not easy to find the right professional among the many ads

How To Avoid Conflict With Neighbors

How To Avoid Conflict With Neighbors

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Quite often, the aggravation of relations with neighbors arises on the basis of any domestic disputes. For people living in apartment buildings, there are rules of conduct established by law and generally accepted in a civilized society. By observing them, you will avoid conflicts with residents of nearby apartments

How To Choose A Name For Your Baby

How To Choose A Name For Your Baby

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Many women ask the question of choosing a name for a child, as soon as they find out that a little man will soon be born. It is important to know that the choice of a name must be approached with all seriousness and responsibility. And also take into account the fact that the combination of name, patronymic and surname is directly related to the character and fate of a person

What Old Names Are Now Relevant

What Old Names Are Now Relevant

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The name is an important element in a person's life. It must be meaningful and original to make the wearer feel special. Therefore, old names that have been forgotten for a long time are relevant now. Instructions Step 1 Vasilisa

How To Get Through Tough Times

How To Get Through Tough Times

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

In life, unforeseen situations can occur. When a lot changes for the worse, it is important to be able to adapt to different circumstances, not give up and mobilize your internal resources. Then you will be able to get through hard times. Instructions Step 1 It takes fortitude to get through a difficult time

Learning Letters Easily And With Pleasure

Learning Letters Easily And With Pleasure

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The article provides an algorithm for compiling the alphabet, with which your child will be happy to learn letters, and as an example, the "ABC in Dinosaurs" is shown. It can be downloaded and printed on a printer. Instructions Step 1 Determine the theme of the alphabet, choose those objects or those animals that arouse the greatest interest in your baby

How To Choose A Healthy Breakfast For A Younger Student

How To Choose A Healthy Breakfast For A Younger Student

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Ideas for a delicious and healthy breakfast that will help a student to be healthy and successful. Every mother of a junior schoolchild has probably faced the problem of breakfast. How to feed a child who has not yet woken up properly?

How To Relax And Gain Strength In A Few Hours

How To Relax And Gain Strength In A Few Hours

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Sometimes fatigue suddenly pours in from nowhere. There is still so much work to be done. How can you quickly cheer up and even get some rest? There are some steps you can take to do this, depending on where you are. This can be a refreshing shower, massage or special exercises, healthy masks and vitamin cocktails that will help you to normalize your condition, invigorate and refresh

13 Books Your Kids Will Read Avidly

13 Books Your Kids Will Read Avidly

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Modern children have become less interested in books when compared with previous generations. But there are some truly fascinating pieces that can be read in one go. Passion for gadgets does not contribute to the formation of readers' interest in the younger generation

Why Are Children's Fairy Tales Needed

Why Are Children's Fairy Tales Needed

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Modern statistics say that less than 50% of parents read fairy tales to their children before bedtime. Every year the percentage of employment is growing, and books are replacing cartoons or films. But reading cannot be replaced by something else

How To Revive Family Traditions

How To Revive Family Traditions

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Raising a child is all about developing the right habits. Many of them are laid before 3 years. And if you show your child family traditions from childhood, it is very likely that in the future he will proudly adhere to them. What are family traditions Tradition is a repetitive activity that is common in a particular family

How To Teach A Child To Walk By The Handle

How To Teach A Child To Walk By The Handle

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

After a year, as soon as the baby learns to walk, you should teach him the skill of walking by the handle. This is important because walking next to mom next to, and not running away somewhere - this is the natural behavior of the child. This is not training, but a necessity related to the safety of your child

How To Know Who Will Be: A Boy Or A Girl

How To Know Who Will Be: A Boy Or A Girl

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

During pregnancy, many women want to know the gender of their baby. This information will be interesting not only out of curiosity, but also for practical purposes: think over the design of a children's room, buy clothes and toys for the desired gender

How To Find Out By Hand How Many Children There Will Be

How To Find Out By Hand How Many Children There Will Be

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

People who are inclined to plan their lives often wonder if it is possible to know in advance how many children there will be. This can be recognized by the hand, although in our time the lines of the hand indicate, rather, the possibility of a person to have a certain number of children, and not that there will be just that many

How To Determine The Gender Of A Child By The Dates Of Birth Of The Parents

How To Determine The Gender Of A Child By The Dates Of Birth Of The Parents

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

As soon as future parents are not sophisticated to conceive a child of a certain gender. There are many popular beliefs, fashionable diets and special calendars. But the most common way is to determine the gender of the child by the dates of birth of the parents

How To Name A Girl Born In August

How To Name A Girl Born In August

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

In August, proud, independent, energetic and noble people are born. Girls born this month are charismatic, popular with their peers, and very loyal. The name of the baby, of course, should correspond to her character. What is the correct name for a girl born in August?

How To Make Twins

How To Make Twins

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Many women dream of a child. Among them there are those who dream of twins or twins. Of course, you will have one or two children - this is, to a certain extent, a lottery. But, recently, thanks to the development of medicine and pharmacology, the chances of getting a “winning ticket” have been significantly increased

When To Start Wearing A Maternity Bandage

When To Start Wearing A Maternity Bandage

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

A maternity bandage is a special orthopedic belt or corset to support the abdomen from below. It is necessary to reduce the load on the spine, which intensively increases during the entire period of bearing a child. In addition, the maternity bandage is a good prevention of stretch marks on the skin in the abdomen and sides

How To Register During Pregnancy

How To Register During Pregnancy

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Pregnancy is a challenging and exciting time for many women. The expectant mother, first of all, needs to register with an obstetrician-gynecologist. Now you can choose exactly where to be observed: in an antenatal clinic, in a medical center at a maternity hospital or in a commercial medical center

How To Find Out The Gender Of The Future Baby

How To Find Out The Gender Of The Future Baby

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Many parents want to know in advance the gender of their expected child. Some medical procedures that allow this to be determined can be performed as early as the ninth week of pregnancy. These include ultrasound and some other methods. Instructions Step 1 Schedule an ultrasound scan at a hospital near you

How To Determine Pregnancy Without Tests

How To Determine Pregnancy Without Tests

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Pregnancy is always associated with feelings of excitement. Sometimes the fair sex does not have the opportunity to visit a specialist and get tested to find out whether a pregnancy has come or not. But listening to yourself, you can often guess that conception has occurred

How To Endure Triplets

How To Endure Triplets

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Multiple pregnancies are not common in humans. Its likelihood depends on some natural factors: the age of the mother, race and heredity. A family in which triplets are born instantly acquires the status of a large family. Parents have to look after three children of the same age at once and look for original solutions for many everyday problems

How To Sign Up For An Ultrasound Scan During Pregnancy

How To Sign Up For An Ultrasound Scan During Pregnancy

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Women usually undergo several ultrasound examinations throughout their pregnancy. Signing up for an ultrasound scan is quite simple. It can be done both in the antenatal clinic and in a private medical clinic. Instructions Step 1 During pregnancy, women, in accordance with current medical standards, must undergo at least 3 ultrasounds

What Certificates Are Required For Admission To School

What Certificates Are Required For Admission To School

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Every spring, another wave of parents clutches their heads in thoughts of what a child needs to enter first grade. Graduation in kindergarten, choosing a school, searching for a suitable school uniform - this is not a complete list of everything that takes parents of tomorrow's first graders

What Is An Ideal School

What Is An Ideal School

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

There have been heated debates for a long time about which school can be considered ideal. Some argue that the most important thing in school is strict discipline, without which it is impossible either to instill in children respect for teachers, or to force them to study conscientiously

How To Develop A Child's Desire To Read

How To Develop A Child's Desire To Read

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The love of reading teaches the child to think independently, increases his vocabulary and develops erudition. Most parents understand that this is necessary, but not everyone knows how to develop a child's desire to read. Instructions Step 1 If the child reads books from an early age, devoting a lot of time to this activity, and not doing it periodically, the child himself will become interested in reading, there is an option to read fairy tales not to the end