Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
If even a century ago in society, marriage was considered something sacred, then in the modern world the moral foundations are much simpler. The sexual revolution has done its job. That is why such a phrase as "open marriage" no longer surprises anyone
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
A well-groomed appearance enhances female beauty much more effectively than successful makeup, fashion accessories or stylish clothes. Conversely, if a girl looks like she is paying little attention to herself, she immediately loses points in the eyes of others
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Finding a boyfriend is one of the most important problems of modern girls. The frantic pace of life leaves little time for choosing a suitable candidate, and being alone is very sad. Be attractive No matter how beautiful your inner world is, the first impression is formed in appearance
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Human life is full of stress, so sometimes it seems that it couldn't be worse. Don't get depressed or feel sorry for yourself. Enjoy small pleasures and life will seem a little brighter. Instructions Step 1 There can be a lot of reasons for a bad mood:
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
In Russia, the retirement age for men begins when they reach 60 years, and for women - 55 years. During this time, the person can stop working and start receiving monthly benefits. To do this, you need to contact the Pension Fund at your place of residence
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Letters are what connects people living at a distance from each other. To receive a "living" handwritten letter from a loved one means touching his soul, holding a piece of something personal in his hands. But in life there are different situations, even those when you have to forbid yourself to wait for letters
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You love him, you like waking up next to him, making breakfast, discussing the news, visiting friends and parents, but … he doesn't read. Doesn't read anything except SMS and TV programs on the eve of iconic matches. Necessary Interesting books, film adaptations of world literature, magazines with advertisements and annotations of popular works, textbook on the history of literature, e-book, knowledge of psychology, patience Instructions Step 1 Educate a
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In order to maintain peace in the family, change your views on family life. Much depends on your behavior in building relationships and maintaining peace. Instructions Step 1 First of all, you need to change your views on your family life
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It is quite easy to gain confidence in your interlocutor if in the course of a conversation it turns out that you have common interests with him. You just start communicating with a person on your common favorite topics, liberate yourself and continue talking like old acquaintances or even friends
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"If you are kind, that's good, but when on the contrary, it's bad!" - the famous cartoon character Leopold the Cat sings. And, it would seem, it is. But I remember the popular wisdom "Do not do good - you will not get evil."
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
A wedding is a beautiful celebration, but the event requires money. Young people do not always have a lot of money, so they are looking for ways to save money on the celebration. It is not very expensive to have a wedding in any city, you just need to make a little effort
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When a loved one loses interest in work and self-development, it is worth considering. Perhaps the reason lies in chronic fatigue, disappointment, severe stress. Or maybe it's all about your relationship with him? Instructions Step 1 In the life of almost every adult, a moment of indifference or disappointment in their own activities can come
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
A stylish "party-goer" or a charming ballet dancer, a sporty macho or a promising scientist, a sea captain or a caring family man - whatever the man of your dreams is, he will remain in your fantasies until you take concrete steps
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Friendship is a concept that has no age or gender restrictions. But a large number of people, hearing about two faithful friends, invariably imagine exclusively men. Male mutual assistance at the forefront It is believed that a man is by nature a team player
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Many Internet users have visited dating sites at least once, and some have even left their profiles there. For busy and always in a hurry city dwellers, these sites are sometimes a real opportunity to find a partner in a friendly and more serious relationship
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Flaming flamenco, amazing Canary Islands, bloody bullfighting and passionate men - all this is Spain! If you dream of marrying a dark-skinned handsome man with a burning gaze and living in a warm country on the seashore, then you should pay attention to the Spaniards
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Some people are reluctant to establish contact with their neighbors. However, sometimes you need help from those who live through the wall from you. And then good neighborly relations will play into your hands. Why be friends with neighbors Good relationships with neighbors can help you in a critical situation and make living in an apartment more comfortable
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Sometimes the sad end of the next romance makes you want to lock your heart. This is how you try to insulate yourself from pain and frustration. This is a normal sense of self-preservation. Instructions Step 1 No matter what, be open to new communication
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Life does not fit into the framework of moral codes and traditions shaped by public opinion. And often, along with single mothers, single fathers began to come across. There is nothing terrible or bad in this - this is reality. However, if you decide to date such a man, the decision made can make life much more difficult and even more interesting than you would like it to be
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Throughout life, people have to build, maintain and restore relationships with people around them everywhere and everywhere. Some people manage to do it easily and naturally, others spend incredible efforts, and in the end they have only the appearance of a good relationship
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It is believed that the name is the formula of fate. Since ancient times, people have closely linked these two concepts: name and fate. Attempts to explain the mysterious connection continue to this day. Instructions Step 1 Scientists dealing with the issues of compatibility in love have come to the unanimous conclusion:
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
You have finally met the man of your dreams. Imagine a chic wedding dress that you will wear on your happiest day. Only now he is in no hurry to take you to the registry office. How can you hint to him about your desire to marry him? Instructions Step 1 Here you need to act delicately so as not to frighten off the man and not be further alone
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Quite often, girls are not indifferent to the personality of the former passion of their beloved young man. The existence of social networks allows them to satisfy their curiosity, by changes in information in which you can not only track current photos of your boyfriend's “ex”, but also generally have an idea of what is happening in her life
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A woman of mystery is the most attractive image for a man. But many ladies make the mistake of trying to fully and in the shortest possible time to reveal their inner world to the chosen one. How can you avoid this and remain a seductive secret for the other half?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
What could be nicer than a gift for no reason? Especially if it is a gift from a beloved man. But sometimes girls complain that their young people do not give flowers and gifts at all, even on birthday and memorable dates they get off with only verbal congratulations
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The appeal of "lady" initially implied that the lady had a title of nobility about origin or marriage, which, in addition to privileges, placed great responsibility on her. Over time, society changed, new formations were created, but women who behave with dignity and possess the qualities of a true lady have always existed
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
After parting with a loved one and being alone for a while, it becomes obvious that the decision to break up was taken hastily. Although it seems that your woman does not share these conclusions. But even so, you can try to get it back. Necessary The desire to return the woman Tenacity Instructions Step 1 Communication will help to return the woman
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Quarrels and scandals have many reasons and reasons, but, as a rule, in addition to a spoiled mood, mutual insults and grievances, as well as unnecessary reckless words, they do not lead to anything good, and their consequences can become completely destructive
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
If you start your day wrong, then the whole second half will be unsuccessful. From the point of view of psychologists, it is the morning that provides the mood for the next day. There are several ways to start your morning right. Early rise You do not need to get up with the first voices of the birds, but getting up 30 minutes earlier than your family members, you guarantee yourself silence and no fuss
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Agree that in life there are many situations in which we feel that it would not hurt us to change internally. In order for such situations to be as few as possible, it is necessary to work on this. Necessary Studying psychology Keeping a personal diary Work on yourself Instructions Step 1 Make a list and description of situations in which you feel you need to behave differently
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Dancing in a nightclub is a good option for relaxation. When moving to the music, a person experiences positive emotions and forgets about everything bad. However, you need to be able to behave correctly in the club in order to be on top and not be the subject of ridicule
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Inspiration captures the entire creative person. Until the work is finally completed, he cannot stop creating his masterpiece in such a single impulse that it is difficult to "reach out" to him. Instructions Step 1 The presence of inspiration is often a consequence of the general state of a person, especially a creative one
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As the saying goes, you can't be cute by force. Nevertheless, there are a number of ways (we are not talking about magic) to attract the attention of a person you like, or at least to appear before him in a different light. Then there is every chance to count on a successful ending to this story
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Sometimes after some time after breaking up, the guy begins to understand that the girl is still dear to him. In this case, a man can try to resurrect love in his ex. Instructions Step 1 If you've decided to try to resurrect the love in your ex, pull yourself together
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Conflicts between people who love each other arise sometimes quite unexpectedly. They sometimes hurt each other painfully with words, deeds, actions. It's easy to offend, and it's harder to apologize and forgive. Sometimes it takes a very long time to reconcile
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The longer people are married, the stronger their relationship should be. But all over the world, a completely opposite picture can be observed: long and lasting alliances are rare, strong and happy are more often the exception than the rule
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Beliefs can support themselves. Once a person creates a mental rationale for his ideas, he is unlikely to part with them. Beliefs are extremely difficult to change, but still possible. Try this by following simple guidelines. Instructions Step 1 Decide on the character of the interlocutor
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Each of the lovers begins to determine the main thing in the family when the relationship becomes serious enough. Sometimes a stubborn rivalry for leadership makes living together unbearable and impossible. How to understand which of them is in charge by the behavior of a husband and wife in a family The newlyweds at the wedding try to overtake each other and step on the towel first
Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01
Sometimes it seems that a relationship with a loved one will last forever. But life itself puts everything in its place. Sometimes even the smallest reason is enough to end up parting. So what should you avoid in a relationship? 1
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It is no longer fashionable to dream of a prince on a white horse. Pragmatic young people of the 21st century prefer a secure future and a bright present. And, although everyone has different ideals, the general tendencies of finding a decent guy can be distinguished