
What Kind Of Porn Do Women Watch

What Kind Of Porn Do Women Watch

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Recent polls of psychologists have shown that the fair sex often watches porn, although they are embarrassed to admit it. They even managed to compile a kind of rating of their favorite female videos. There is an opinion that only representatives of the stronger sex watch porn, and the ladies treat it with disgust

Sexy Temperament

Sexy Temperament

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Sexual constitution is an innate sexual temperament that does not change throughout life. It can be different: strong, medium and weak. None of those listed are either good or bad, because "for every product there is a merchant." But when choosing a partner, it is recommended to take into account the factor of sexual temperament in order to maintain harmony in the relationship

The Sexual Temperament Of Women Depends On The Blood Type

The Sexual Temperament Of Women Depends On The Blood Type

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Since ancient times, it has been customary to say that the character, temperament, behavior of a person is in his blood. This expression can be taken almost literally. Scientists have been able to establish that the sexual temperament of women depends on the blood type

What Does A Sexy Woman Mean

What Does A Sexy Woman Mean

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Sexuality - with this word people are used to denote the attractiveness and charm of a person, the ability to charm everyone around. But what exactly is sexuality manifested in? How does a sexy woman behave and what is her difference from the rest?

What Is Sexual Promiscuity

What Is Sexual Promiscuity

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Sex is an important part of people's lives, it is an indisputable fact that should not be ignored. The need for sex at all times has been a powerful engine for many social processes. However, a person is not just a physical body, and his sexual behavior is limited and determined by many things

How Men Actually Perceive Sex

How Men Actually Perceive Sex

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Men perceive sex as an arena for expressing their feelings. Thanks to intimacy, they have an emotional, physical release. Very often, representatives of the stronger sex fall in love with a girl after sex. There are a myriad of myths about how men perceive sex

What Leads A Person To Sexual Arousal

What Leads A Person To Sexual Arousal

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

There is a certain set of sexual stimuli of the visual, tactile, auditory series, or their combinations, which lead a healthy person of puberty to sexual arousal. Excitatory factors for men and women Erotic stimuli for each person are individual, as well as taste preferences

How To Determine Whether A Spouse Is Ready To Have A Child

How To Determine Whether A Spouse Is Ready To Have A Child

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The desire to have a child is natural for married couples, but sometimes doubts and uncertainties arise. How to determine the willingness of spouses to become parents? Instructions Step 1 The child must be desired. Parents who are ready for a baby even before birth and even before pregnancy

How To Deal With Having Twins

How To Deal With Having Twins

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The birth of twins is a double joy for parents, but also worries and troubles, multiplied by two. Tips on how spouses cope with having twins. Instructions Step 1 It's time to train yourself to be organized. Tune in to the fact that you always need to remain collected sane

Whether To Pay Attention To The Age Difference

Whether To Pay Attention To The Age Difference

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The age difference does not prevent lovers from being together. Only the attitude of others to such a union can interfere. The future of a couple is determined not by the number in the passport, but by their compatibility and commonality of views

How To Return A Loved One Without A Love Spell

How To Return A Loved One Without A Love Spell

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

If your beloved man left you, it is not at all necessary to call a fortune teller for a love spell or bury a departed relationship - perhaps you can still return it. Find out what methods can help bring a man back. Instructions Step 1 First, answer honestly if you need this person and if he is worth your efforts

How To Get Back And Keep A Man

How To Get Back And Keep A Man

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Parting is often accompanied by accusations and outbursts of hatred towards the partner. At this point, it may seem that you have nothing in common with this person. But when you cool down, you understand that you want to live with your loved one all your life

How To Get A Loved One Back Forever

How To Get A Loved One Back Forever

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

How to return a loved one and a loved one is the first thought that most women visit after a breakup or quarrel. Of course, each gap has its own reasons, therefore, it is necessary to approach the solution of the issue individually. Instructions Step 1 If the reason for the departure of a loved one was your actions, then you urgently need to reconsider your attitude to what happened

How To Make A Loved One Return

How To Make A Loved One Return

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Sometimes the relationship in a couple does not develop in the most prosperous way. A man can unexpectedly break a seemingly strong bond and leave without explanation. In this case, a woman can only be perplexed and wonder how to return her beloved

How Not To Feel Lonely

How Not To Feel Lonely

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Loneliness is handled by people in different ways. Someone sees solitude as an opportunity to immerse themselves in their thoughts or do something. Another person is burdened by this feeling. If you are uncomfortable with being alone, look at loneliness from a different angle

What Is SM Sex

What Is SM Sex

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

An interesting phenomenon appeared in Europe in the Middle Ages - the preacher Peter Damiani began to persistently practice self-reprimand, followed by his other followers, calling self-flagellation the only way of salvation from sins. Supporters of this doctrine were called flagellants

How To Schedule Conception

How To Schedule Conception

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Quite often it happens that no matter how spouses try to conceive a child, they fail. Therefore, you have to calculate special days on which the probability of pregnancy is highest. This is the day of ovulation, as well as 2-3 days before and after it

How To Answer The Question: As On The Personal Front

How To Answer The Question: As On The Personal Front

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Many people may ask about your personal affairs. However, does everyone need to tell the truth? Someone asks just like that, someone wants to help. Don't give it all out. Trust only trusted people. Friends often ask us questions, the answer to which, in principle, does not interest them

How To Give An Injection To A Small Child? The Correct Method Of Providing Assistance

How To Give An Injection To A Small Child? The Correct Method Of Providing Assistance

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

In the treatment of a child, situations may arise when the drug needs to be administered intramuscularly, and the parents' ability to do this on their own saves time and effort. Sometimes, knowing how to inject correctly can save a life at the right time

How Not To Wait For A Phone Call

How Not To Wait For A Phone Call

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Waiting for a phone call is one of the worst torments. Uncertainty, the expectation that fate is about to be decided, anxiety about whether the person whose call is so important will call at all … In order not to harass yourself, try to distract yourself from the burdensome expectation

Friendship Is Not A Hindrance To Sex, Or What If You Accidentally Slept With Your Best Friend

Friendship Is Not A Hindrance To Sex, Or What If You Accidentally Slept With Your Best Friend

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

You are familiar almost from the cradle, you have repeatedly seen him in only shorts, but you always treated him like a brother, and then suddenly this … It does not matter how you ended up in the same bed. The main thing is how to preserve the old friendly relations

Male Hobbies And Sexual Preferences

Male Hobbies And Sexual Preferences

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Many women are very jealous of their other half's favorite activities. They get angry, suffer, and sometimes even confront a specific choice: either their favorite fishing, or their equally beloved spouse. According to psychologists, this is not worth doing, since a man who has his favorite hobby is more successful and successful in life than one who is not interested in anything at all

What Kind Of Guys Are Modern Girls Looking For?

What Kind Of Guys Are Modern Girls Looking For?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

In the modern world, relations between men and women have undergone a lot of serious changes. And this is primarily due to technical progress. Women are more likely to take on the role of head of the family and earn more money. And this can not always be called correct, because due to the continuous desire to become rich, women cease to be women

What Girls Don't Guys Like

What Girls Don't Guys Like

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Often a beautiful, successful and cheerful girl cannot understand why guys avoid her. The fact is that there are several feminine qualities and behaviors that most men do not like. And often girls do not know what these qualities are. Self-focus is a bad way to please a guy

What Kind Of Men Do Women Like

What Kind Of Men Do Women Like

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

The image of an ideal man begins to form among the fair sex as early as childhood. Most often, the ideals of young ladies differ, and yet they like men with a certain set of characteristics. Despite the well-established stereotypes, the appearance of men is not always what women value in them in the first place

How To Recognize Flirting

How To Recognize Flirting

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

How do you know if a man is flirting with you? If you literally bathe in male attention and love to "shoot" with your eyes, you will probably figure out these intentions in a matter of minutes. If for you male interest is always something big, and you only expect a serious relationship, then it is much more difficult here, since a man's misunderstood intentions can subsequently bring disappointment

Why Some Men Are Convinced That Having A Son Is Better Than A Daughter

Why Some Men Are Convinced That Having A Son Is Better Than A Daughter

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Since ancient times, men have gravitated more towards sons than daughters. The root cause of this behavior is the fear for the future fate of the clan and heritage. The fate of the boy-prince is to become king, while the girl was infringed on her rights, being given in marriage according to an old agreement

A Loved Woman Is Beautiful?

A Loved Woman Is Beautiful?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

There are times when some women look especially irresistible and attractive. This is noticed by everyone around. The woman seems to be glowing with happiness, she is incredibly beautiful. What's going on? The secret is simple: she loves and is loved

How To Be The Most Desirable

How To Be The Most Desirable

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Some women wonder why a friend with a fairly standard appearance has a million fans, and she, such a clever and beautiful woman, has none. Because it's not only about appearance, but about the fact that a girl is somewhat desirable for representatives of the opposite sex

Five Myths About Men

Five Myths About Men

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Women's magazines periodically amuse us with the retelling of stereotyped myths on various topics. This happens especially often when it comes to dating potential suitors. Let's take a look at the most glamor-tortured myths … 1. When meeting, a man pays attention to the girl's appearance in the first place

10 Ridiculous Female Myths About Men

10 Ridiculous Female Myths About Men

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

There are many female myths about men today. Among them are ten of the most ridiculous and popular. They relate to both physiological characteristics and lifestyle of the stronger sex. To this day, many myths about men are wandering among the fair sex

5 Myths About Love

5 Myths About Love

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Thousands of scientists have written and talked about love, and now for many people love is the meaning of life. There are many sayings, myths, opinions about love. But there are 5 most common myths. Instructions Step 1 Opposites attract

How To Answer So As Not To Offend

How To Answer So As Not To Offend

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

There are times in life when someone makes an unacceptable request or proposal. The difficulty is that it is not always convenient to answer with a sharp refusal. After all, even if you do not agree with the interlocutor, you do not want to inadvertently offend a good person

What To Do If A Friend Is Jealous

What To Do If A Friend Is Jealous

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Envy is often irrational: for example, a married lady may be tormented by the thought that her divorced friend does not depend on her husband and can do whatever she wants without asking the man's opinion. However, whatever the reason, envy can destroy friendships, so it is better to start fighting it as early as possible

How To Tell Someone You Like Them

How To Tell Someone You Like Them

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Recognition is a pretty delicate moment. After taking a step forward, you will no longer be able to step back or pretend that it was a joke. It will also be impossible to prevent the consequences that will not be long in coming. And they can be very different

How A Woman Can Understand A Man

How A Woman Can Understand A Man

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Everyone knows that a man and a woman are too different and differ not only in gender. From childhood, girls and boys are brought up in different ways, and when they grow up, they cannot find a common language, understand each other. If they want to achieve mutual understanding in a relationship, they will have to work hard

Why The Relationship Ended Before It Started

Why The Relationship Ended Before It Started

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

It so happens that you spent very little time together, perhaps just one date, after which your partner does not want to continue the relationship. There may be several reasons for this - from a banal mismatch of sympathies to mistakes that were made by you at the first meetings

How To Leave To Stay

How To Leave To Stay

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

Quite often, leaving after a quarrel is provoked not by the desire to break off the relationship, but by strong negative emotions or resentment. In fact, a person does not want to part, he leaves the place of conflict only in order not to bring the intensity of passions to the chapel

Why Doesn't The Guy Call

Why Doesn't The Guy Call

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

When you are in the early stages of a relationship, and there were a few more dates, then the time between them becomes a real test for you: you do not know if he will invite you to see you again. It is especially hard to wait if after the last meeting he disappeared and does not even call

How To Express Joy

How To Express Joy

Last modified: 2025-01-23 11:01

People need positive emotions, because a joyful and happy person can achieve much more than one who is in deep and prolonged depression. You can feel joy in various situations in life, for example, you have been promoted at work or you have a baby